Look at the sentences below and tell me the differences: 1.Ich habe kein Buch. 2.Ich habe keine Zeit. 3.David schreibt nicht. 4. Carola will die Arbeit nicht machen. 5. Anna hat keine Arbeit.
The word means „ “ or „ “ and negates. The endings of are identical to those of -words. keinnonot any nouns kein ein SingularPlural Kasusmascfemneuter Nom Akk ein eineein eineein kk kk k ken eine k k
The word means “ ” and negates, and. There is no specific rule as to the of nicht within a sentence – its position. upon what is being in the sentence – nicht appears after the and and usually after the. nichtnot verbsadjectivesadverbs position dependsnegated always subject verb object