Subject pronoun/pronombres en Español Grammar essentials #1
Takes the place of a noun What is a pronoun? Takes the place of a noun ex. I, you, he, she, we, it, they, you all
Subject pronoun chart Box #1 First person (self) You talking to someone Talking About someone I yo you tú he she you él ella usted
Tú and Usted mean YOU When to use tú - Use with family, friends, people your age or younger. Anyone that you can call by a first name. When to use usted Use with adults that you address with a title such as señor, señora and señorita, profesor etc. It is abbreviated Ud. Tú o Usted? Dentist Sandra Your friend President Police Victoria Miguel your teacher
Práctica: Replace the following subjects with subject pronouns Jorge Él Lupita ella (to) Sra. Garcia usted Eva (your friend) tú Yourself yo