Air Education and Training Command I n t e g r i t y - S e r v i c e - E x c e l l e n c e Hawgsmoke C/3c Dustin K Vicent 3 Mar 2009 Develop America's Airmen Today... for Tomorrow
2 Overview Background History
Develop America's Airmen Today... for Tomorrow Background Competition Bombing Missile Tactical Gunnery Target Acquisition “Best of the Best” 3
Develop America's Airmen Today... for Tomorrow Background, cont. World-wide Event Hawg Reunion Remebrance of Lost Hawgs A-10 Tactics and Info Exchange Public Awareness 4
Develop America's Airmen Today... for Tomorrow 5 History Gunsmoke Air-to-Ground Competition Discontinued 1995 Inauguration Michigan ANG 172 nd Col. Cliff Latta Hawgwash 2004 Bad Weather Declared Success
Develop America's Airmen Today... for Tomorrow 6 Summary Background History
Develop America's Airmen Today... for Tomorrow 7 QUESTIONS??
Develop America's Airmen Today... for Tomorrow Sources “Air Force Takes Action.” Dudney, Robert S. Air Force Magazine, p.16 December Air Force Association; Arlington, Virginia. “Hawgsmoke.” Accessed 27 Feb “Hawgsmoke News.” Accessed 27 Feb All images retrieved from Google Images. 8
I n t e g r i t y - S e r v i c e - E x c e l l e n c e Develop America's Airmen Today... for Tomorrow