In Finland culture among teenagers is quite easy-going. Young people adopt quickly international styles and fashions. Information is found on the internet. Nowadays open-mindness is in. Only a few dress up remarkably different from others. The most popular hangout ”places” are Internet and social media. Today young people are smarter. You can notice it from their better behaviour, language skills and general knowledge. Of course, there are some exceptions. Finnish youth culture and teenage fashion
Music and television We listen to the same kind of music. Teenage girls just tend to fan girls more than boys, obsessing over Finnish pop sensations such as Isac Elliot and Robin or rap artists like Cheek and Mikael Gabriel. Teenagers also tend to watch a lot of tv-shows while they try to avoid studying. Popular series are Pretty Little Liars and Vampire Diaries, but one Finnish tv-show is our national treasure and that's Salatut Elämät (Secret lives).
Social media Social media is a big part of Finnish youth culture. Most teens are obsessed about Instagram, and Youtube. Blogging has really increased in Finland in the past years. Blogs are also really popular and there are different blogs for everyone.
Teenage fashion in Finland As for Finnish teenagers and their style we think that all the good looks and stuff is channeled from international fashion bloggers etc. In terms of Finnish fashion among teenagers, we don't assume that we dress any differently than any teenagers around the world, mostly because of the bloggers. However, Finnish teenagers may have better or worse ideas for clothing than others and they may develope the ideas further and use the ideas to find their own personal style which differs from other people.
Here are a few examples of international and Finnish bloggers