Congratulations on your new position, I am delighted you are joining Oregon State University (OSU). Your role is critical in fulfilling the mission and vision of the University. I would like to introduce you to the University’s website where you can access employee information on benefits and services. The information provides you with a wide range of resources and access to employee benefits, opportunities, and answers to general questions you may have about Oregon State University. The University Administrative Business Center (UABC) Care Team is here to support you. Please know that you can call on any of us to assist you. I am looking forward to your joining the team and your success at OSU. Welcome to Beaver Nation! Dee Wendler UABC Business Center Manager
TIPS FOR SUCCESS (and survival) AT OSU Yield to bikes and skateboarders. Learn new technical and management skills – register at the OSU Professional Development Central Registration Site. Take advantage of staff fee rates and enroll in a course at OSU. Print out a campus map http://oregonstate.edu/campusmap/ and carry it with you at all times. Join the Orange Rewards program and get discounts at campus restaurants. You live in Oregon - carry an umbrella. Wear black and orange on Fridays. Wear yellow and green at your own risk. TIPS FOR SUCCESS (and survival) AT OSU
GETTING OFF TO A GREAT START http://hr.oregonstate.edu/files/training/documents/great-start.pdf Click the link for an orientation to OSU An Integration guide for new employees
ONBOARDING Personal Demographic Form: http://oregonstate.edu/admin/hrist eam/demohire.pdf W-4 (2014) Form: http://www.irs.gov/pub/irs- pdf/fw4.pdf Direct Deposit & Online Earnings Statement Authorization: http://oregonstate.edu/fa/bc/unive rsityadmin/sites/default/files/Chec kDelivery.pdf Ethnicity/Race/Veteran Status: http://oregonstate.edu/fa/bc/unive rsityadmin/sites/default/files/Ethni cityRaceVeteran.pdf In order to ensure you have quick access to all available OSU resources, please complete the new hire forms indicated on the left. Return completed forms within 3 business days to UABC.HR@oregonstate.edu. Please don’t hesitate to contact your UABC Care Team: UABC.HR@oregonstate.edu
TIPS FOR SUCCESS (and survival) AT OSU Sign up for safety training at Environmental Health and Safety. Purchase a membership at Dixon Recreation Center. Attend OSU athletic events, lectures, concerts, and plays. Link your ONID account to your oregonstate.edu email account. Sign up to receive OSU Today in your email. Learn to speak OSU “acronym-eze.” Don’t leave your parking spot once you get it – it’s a zoo out there! TIPS FOR SUCCESS (and survival) AT OSU
H HELPFUL WEBSITES New Employee Resources Helping supervisors and employees navigate the OSU orientation process. http://hr.oregonstate.edu/orientation/new-employee-resources Employee Services http://oregonstate.edu/main/faculty-staff/employee-services About OSU http://oregonstate.edu/leadership/president University Administrative Business Center - UABC http://oregonstate.edu/fa/bc/universityadmin/
HELPFUL WEBSITES cont. Benefits: http://hr.oregonstate.edu/benefits Campus Resources: http://oregonstate.edu/main/faculty-staff/campus-resources Classified Employees: http://hr.oregonstate.edu/orientation/benefits-overview Collective Bargaining Agreement: http://hr.oregonstate.edu/main/documents/collective-bargaining-agreement-seiu- contract Communications: http://oregonstate.edu/ua/ncs/ Computer Help: http://is.oregonstate.edu/accounts-support/och EmpCenter Overview: http://mytime.oregonstate.edu/empcenter-training Fitness: http://oregonstate.edu/recsports/fitness Health Services: http://studenthealth.oregonstate.edu/ ID Center: http://oregonstate.edu/fa/businessaffairs/idcente ONID: http://onid.oregonstate.edu/ Online Services: http://oregonstate.edu/main/online-services Parking: http://parking.oregonstate.edu/ Payroll: http://oregonstate.edu/fa/businessaffairs/staff/payroll Policies: http://hr.oregonstate.edu/manual Restaurants: http://oregonstate.edu/uhds/eat Safety: http://oregonstate.edu/dept/security/ Sporting Events/Athletics: http://oregonstate.edu/main/athletics
BEAVER PRIDE We are here for you http://oregonstate.edu/fa/bc/universityadmin/directory