VARIABLES CONSTANT VARIABLES: Water quantity (everyday 3 ml water), light (darkness), temperature (room temperature), air (oxygen) INDEPENDENT VARIABLES: I give 5 droplets of vitamin D3 to one of them and only water to the other. DEPENDENT VARIABLE: Germination time. HYPOTESIS: Vitamin D makes germination of lentils faster.
1 ST DAY Today I planted two lentil seeds, two beans and two big beans. With Vitamin D
2 nd DAY Today there aren’t any changes on seeds. With Vitamin D
3rd DAY Today lentil with vitamin D started to germinate, there aren’t any changes on the others. With Vitamin D
4th DAY Today lentil with vitamin D germinate more lentils of the other started to germinate. With Vitamin D
5th DAY Today lentils germinate more. With Vitamin D
MY OBSERVATIONS In the pot, I give vitamin D lentils germinate faster than the other pot, so; Vitamin D makes germination of lentils faster. The cotton in the pot I give vitamin D don’t get dry fast. Maybe, with vitamin D people can breed a plant with less water. Lentils germinate faster than beans, so lentils germinate in less time than beans.