8 th Grade Stars and Galaxies Review
A:B: ConstellationNebula #1 An instrument that helps astronomers determine The composition of a star C:D: SpectroscopePhotosphere
C. Spectroscope
A:B: Absolute magnitudeAbsolute zero #2 The actual amount of light a star gives off. C:D: Light yearApparent magnitude
A. Absolute magnitude
A:B: nebulaconstellation #3 A gigantic system of stars, gas, dust, and planets Held together by gravity. C:D: galaxyspectroscope
C. Galaxy
A:B: constellationfusion #4 A huge cloud of gas and dust from which a star is born. C:D: nebulaspectroscope
C. nebula
A:B: fusionthe object is disappearing #5 A shift toward the red end of the spectrum indicates ______________. C:D: the object is getting closer the object is moving away
C. The object is moving away
A:B: It was once bigger than it is today It was once smaller than it is today #6 If a shift to the red end of the spectrum is seen in many stars, what can be inferred about the size of our universe? C:D: None of these All of the stars are red giants
B. It was once smaller than it is today
A:B: Light yearApparent magnitude #7 The distance light travels in one year. C:D: Astronomical unitAbsolute year
A. Light year
A:B: The distance from the sun to the closest star Apparent magnitude #8 Light years would be use to measure__________. C:D: The distance from the Earth to the Moon None of these
A. the distance from the sun to the closest star
A:B: Sun spotBlack hole #9 A massive collection of stars so dense that even light cannot escape its gravitational pull. C:D: NebulaPhotosphere
B. Black hole
A:B: red shiftluminosity #10 The lifetime of a star depends on its __________. C:D: massnebula
C. mass
A:B: PhotosphereSun Spot #11 Amount of stars light as observed from the earth. C:D: Absolute magnitudeApparent magnitude
D. Apparent magnitude
A:B: galaxynebula #12 Large group of stars, gas, and dust held tighter by gravity. C:D: Spectroscopeconstellation
A. galaxy
A:B: The star is burning outThe star is moving away from Earth C:D: The star is getting cooler Red shift #13 These patterns are part of a star’s spectrum. Figure 1 shows the actual spectrum lines. Figure 2 shows the same lines as viewed from Earth. What can be inferred by the spectra in Figure 2 Figure 1 Figure 2
B. The star is moving away from Earth
A:B: Black holeFusion #14 Most accepted theory for the origin of the universe. *This theory is supported by the red shift of light from stars and galaxies. C:D: GalaxyBig bang
D. Big bang
A:B: Black holeFusion #15 Theory that a gigantic explosion sent matter and energy expanding out into space. C:D: GalaxyBig bang
D. Big bang
A:B: Milky WaySnickers #16 The name of the galaxy we live in. C:D: SpectroscopeConstellation
A. Milky Way
A:B: Milky WaySnickers C:D: SpectroscopeConstellation #17 The name of the galaxy we live in.
A. Milky Way
A:B: B-C diagramH-R diagram C:D: M-R diagramH-P diagram #18 Diagram that shows the relationship between a star’s temperature and its luminosity (brightness)
B. H-R diagram
A:B: regularirregular #19 The type of galaxy we live in. C:D: Main sequencespiral
D. Spiral
A:B: irregularbinary stars C:D: main sequencespiral #20 90% of the stars are in this category.
C. Main Sequence
A:B: H (hydrogen) He (helium) #21 Stars are mainly composed of _____________. C:D: C (carbon)O (oxygen)
A.H (hydrogen) & B. He (helium)
A:B: Of average absolute magnitude A yellow star #23 What of these describe\s our Sun? C:D: A main sequence starsAll of these
D. All of these
A:B: FusionAbsolute magnitude #24 The process where hydrogen changes to helium in the core of the Sun. C:D: TransitionNone of these
A. Fusion
A:B: temperaturesize C:D: luminosityweight #25 The color of a star depends on its __________.
A. temperature
A:B: red-orangeblue-white #26 Hottest stars are ____________. C:D: yellowred
B. Blue-white
A:B: red-orangeblue-white #27 Coolest stars are ____________. C:D: yellowred
D. Red
A:B: Red GiantMain Sequence #28 Our Sun is currently in which stage? C:D: Yellow GiantYellow Dwarf
B. Main Sequence
A:B: low mass starmain sequence star #29 Nebula – high mass – main sequence – red supergiant - Supernova – neutron star / black hole. These are the stages in the evolution of a _________. C:D: high mass starbinary star
C. High mass star
A:B: low mass starmain sequence star #30 Nebula – low mass – main sequence. These are the Stages in the evolution of a ______________. C:D: high mass starbinary star
A. Low mass star
A:B: IrregularBinary C:D: SpiralRegular #31 A younger, smaller galaxy with many shapes.
A. Irregular
A:B: Irregularspiral C:D: binaryregular #32 A middle aged galaxy with spiral arms. This is the galaxy we live in.
B. Spiral
A:B: Irregularspiral C:D: ellipticalregular #33 An older, round galaxy.
C. Elliptical
A:B: 1000 light years1 trillion light years #34 Andromeda is the nearest galaxy to ours. How far away is it from our galaxy? C:D: 1 million km2.2 million light years
D. 2.2 million light years
A:B: Universe, Galaxy, Solar system, Planet Solar system, Galaxy, Universe, Planet #35 Which of the following lists the structures correct from largest to smallest? C:D: Planet, Solar System, Universe, Planet None of these
A.Universe, Galaxy, Solar system, planet
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