Dr. M.A. Quassem May 30th, 2013 Country Case Study Bangladesh
The People’s Republic of Bangladesh
The Water Sector in Bangladesh: Core Actors (1) 4 Policy Setting and Planning: MoWR – Ministry of Water Resources NWRC – National Water Resources Council WARPO – Water Resources Planning Organisation Water Management Infrastructure and Services: BWDB – Bangladesh Water Development Board LGED – Local Government Engineering Department DPHE – Department for Public Health Engineering *WASA – City Water and Sewerage Authorities BIWTA – Bangladesh Inland Water Transport Authority Policy Setting and Planning: Ministry of Planning (Planing Commission) Ministry of Agricuture, Forestry and Fisheries Minisry of EnvironmentWater Resources
The Water Sector in Bangladesh: Core Actors (2) 5 Knowledge Institutes: Public Trusts Research Institutes (IWM, CEGIS) Government Research Institutes Universities Operation and Maintenance: BWDB, LGED, DPHE, *WASA, BIWT Local Government WUO – Water User Organisations Civil Society and Private Sector: WUO NGO Consulting and Engineering Companies Large Industries and Commercial farms
The Enabling Environment
Complexity of Institutions Complex decision-making, weighing of priorities Complex web of responsibilities National and local government Government and private sector relations Government and civil society relations Water Users Organisations, Local Government, National Government Integration, system analysis, trans-disciplinary 7
Struggles and Problems Actors Face Lack of cooperation among actors No common long-term vision Ineffective formal forum to coordinate demand and policy / strategy Local level responsibilities and relations unclear Participatory approach is restrained by fear of loss of power Different expectations between development agencies and local actors Financial constraints
Issues in KCD (1) There are few incentives to work in the water sector Staff recruitment policies of institutions are determined by many factors Human Resource Development of organisations is poorly developed Lack of proper for overview (not just technical knowhow), monitoring and evaluation mechanisms, and level specific management Organisations have little multi-disciplinary approach
Issues in KCD (2) Curriculum at the university is too academic (no case studies, practical experience or local knowledge) and do not always Project driven development context with little institutionalisation of lessons learned Training is often not relevant to the needs of the organization and the employee.
Lessons Learned Organizational autonomy is of great importance to develop capacity because those responsible inside the organization (should) know best what knowledge and capacity is needed. The lack of structural communication between the supply of water education and demand for it from the water sector, reduces the effectiveness and capacity of the water sector. There is still a strong reliance on the need for development agencies to pressure reforms and capacity development in Bangladesh. The need to believe in the value local knowledge and capacity (of e.g. farmes).
Who should be taking the lead?
Propositions The National Water Resources Council should be vitalized to exercise leadership in: – Long-term planning of water management investments, shaping the conditions for socio- economic development of the country – A national policy and strategy on water sector capacity development, starting with a short-term tailor-made programme in leadership The government should fully reinforce, operationalise and build capacity of participatory water users organisations, working in partnership with local government.
Purpose of 5th Symposium Thank you for your attention. Dr. M. A. Quassem ( former D.G. of WARPO)