Question 1 Name 2 animals that you can find in Australia’s coat of arms?
Question 2 Why is there a United Kingdom flag included in Australia’s flag?
Question 3 What is the capital city of Australia?
Question 4 Australia is a big country. Is it: 2nd biggest country in the world, 5th biggest country in the world, 6th biggest country in the world, 10th biggest country in the world.
Question 5 Tasmania – what is it? A river, A mountain, An animal, An island.
Question 6 What is the name of the highest mountain of Australia?
Question 7 What are the biggest cities of Australia? Name at least 3 of them.
Question 8 When you look at Australia on the map, where is New Zealand? In the east, In the west, In the south, In the north.
Question 9 What is the name of this famous landmark?
Question 10 Where do most of the people in Australia live? In Queensland and Northern Territory, In Western and South Australia, In New South Wales and Victoria.
Question 11 The centre of the Australian continent – is it: A jungle, A desert, A mountain range, A lake district.
Question 12 What is the name of the longest river in Australia? The Thames river, The Darling river, The Nile, The Amazon.
Question 13 What can you see in the picture?
Question 14 What is the name of the biggest city in Western Australia? Sydney, Melbourne, Perth, Brisbane.
Question 15 What is the name of the 2nd biggest city of Australia? Brisbane, Melbourne, Sydney, Perth.
Question 16 What is the name of the biggest lake of Australia? Eyre, Eye, Ear, Either.
Question 17 Which animals built these strange looking homes? Ants, Terramites, Bees, Koalas.
Question 18 The Great Barrier Reef (Wielka Rafa Koralowa) is: In the east of Australia, In the west of Australia, In the south of Australia, In the north of Australia.
Question 19 Which animal does NOT live in Australia? A kangaroo, An aligator, A snake A tiger, A python, A parrot, A poisonous spider, A bat.
Question 20 How do you call the wild dogs living in Australia? Reksio, Dingo, Greyhounds, Fox dogs.