Vasilyeva Elena. School №634
Pete’s family Vasilyeva Elena. School №634 ENGLISH
What’s the matter with Pete? Why must I learn English? Why must I learn English? With whom can I speak English? With whom can I speak English? Vasilyeva Elena. School №634
Advice I think he must learn English, because He can go to … He can go to … He can see … He can see … Vasilyeva Elena. School №634 Father: “You must know English well if you want to speak with your English or American friends”.
Vasilyeva Elena. School №634
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Why must you learn English? Do you like to speak English? Do you like to speak English? Where can you speak English? Where can you speak English? Where do you want to go to? Where do you want to go to? Why must you learn English? Why must you learn English?
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