Division of Student Affairs and Enrollment Management Supporting Student Success and Retention.


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Presentation transcript:

Division of Student Affairs and Enrollment Management Supporting Student Success and Retention

1. Institutional Mission, Vision and Goals  Institutional Commitment to Student Success  Institutional Desired Student Profile & Capacity  Philosophy of Student Success  Retention Committee Charge 2. Research  Student Retention and Success Data  Campus Assessment Data  Student Surveys and Focus Groups 3. Goals  Strategic Plan Goals  Enrollment Management Goals: Recruitment, Retention, and Graduation Goals  Student Satisfaction Goals  Access to Success Goals 4. Tactics and Action Plans  Communicating Expectations in Recruitment Phase  Campus Orientation  Financial Aid Leveraging  Academic Support Programs  Early Warning System  Student Activities & Campus Life  Community Engagement  Diversity Initiatives 5. Assessment and Evaluation  Student Learning Outcomes Assessment  Student Satisfaction and Engagement Surveys  Retention Studies  Graduating Student Surveys  Exit Interviews  Non-Matriculant Studies ADAPTED FROM: Successful Retention Planning, Lana Low, June 28, 1999, noellevitz.com Strategic Planning

Section 1: Vision and Mission  Vision: UMKC will become a model urban research university characterized by signature graduate and professional programs, a dynamic undergraduate population, a highly diverse faculty, staff and student body, and active engagement with its city and region.  Mission: to lead in life and health sciences; to deepen and expand strength in the visual and performing arts; to develop a professional workforce and collaborate in urban issues and education; and to create a vibrant learning and campus life experience.  Division Mission: to enrich the lives of students and others through quality educational services and purposeful co-curricular programming.

What is Enrollment Management? Strategic Enrollment Management is a comprehensive process designed to achieve and maintain optimum recruitment, retention, and degree attainment of students where “optimum” is defined within the academic context of the institution. - Michael Dolence An effective enrollment management system alters and improves the institution’s frame of reference about itself and its prospective students, community members and business partners. - Don Hossler, Indiana University

Section 2: Student Data and Research  Retention and Success Data  Student Satisfaction Inventory  National Survey on Student Engagement  Exit Surveys  Climate Survey  Residential Life Survey  Swinney Recreation Survey  Dining Survey

Section 3: Strategic Goals  Strategic Plan Goals  By Fall 2014: increase enrollment to 16,400 on- campus students (which is a +21.9% increase from Fall 2009 student enrollment)  Attain a first-to-second year retention rate of at least 85% (increase from 74.9%)  Attain a six-year graduation rate of 55% (increase from 45.4%)  Access to Success Goals

Section 4: Tactics and Action Plans Strategic Plan Strategies  UFirst Early Warning System  University College  Student Union Programming  Transfer Student Services  Student Advising Services  Student Success Center

UFirst Early Warning System  National data suggest that first-time college students benefited from focused and pro-active outreach to connect them with campus resources they need.  Executive Sponsors: Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs and Enrollment Management and Provost  The Division collaborated with the Academic Units to pilot the UFirst Early Alert System for Fall 2009 and the system was launched to all Freshmen Fall 2010.

University College  Research indicates that university’s need to do a better job at engaging deciding students, especially in helping students make the connections between majors and career options.  Executive Sponsor: Provost  The Division supports this initiative by assisting in defining and addressing the needs of deciding students, including career exploration and counseling, academic support services, and community engagement.

Student Union Programming  National research and surveys of our own students have told us that faculty interactions outside of the classroom are very important—and these opportunities create a significant positive impact on student persistence, learning, and success.  Executive Sponsor: Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs and Enrollment Management  Task Force has been charged with developing strategic opportunities for students, faculty, and staff to interact in ways that support community engagement.

Transfer Student Services  Current and prospective students as well as counselors at the community colleges have told us that the transition into UMKC can be challenging, and once students are here, they often do not feel connected to the university.  Executive Sponsors: Provost and Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs and Enrollment Management  The Division supports this strategy in several ways— particularly in collaborating with community colleges and Academic Units on 2+2 degree programs, establishing a dual admission program, and student support services.

Student Advising Services  We have identified the need to have a more pro- active approach to advising  Executive Sponsors: Provost and Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs and Enrollment Management  The Division works closely with advisors by facilitating a forum to discuss policies, processes, and issues. Other actions include the implementation of DARS Degree Audit System and Major Maps to assist advisors and students.

Student Success Center  Research at UMKC has indicated that our students have experienced the “run-around” in accessing support services, which we are addressing by developing a Student Success Center.  Executive Sponsor: Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs and Enrollment Management and Provost  Mission is to provide high-quality, integrated, and responsive services that promote students’ academic and personal success in support of our retention and graduation goals.

Section 4: Tactics and Action Plans Division Strategies  Campus Orientation  Financial Aid Leveraging  Academic Support Programs  Supplemental Instruction  Math & Science Resource Center  Coaching Program  Community Engagement  Career Services  Supportive Campus Environment  Counseling Services  MindBody Connection  Resources for Concerning Student Behavior  Student Veterans Support  Diversity Initiatives  Student Activities & Campus Life  Customer Service Training

Section 5: Assessment  The Division implemented an Assessment Plan that includes specific learning outcomes for each office.  The process includes: Review the data to identify gaps Develop initiatives and learning outcomes to close gaps Assess the initiatives to determine positive progress Adjust or develop new strategies as needed
