How to Run a Successful Student Group University of Maryland School of Medicine Fall 2014 Run by the 2014-2015 Student Council: SEDA – President JOEY– Vice President Andrew – Treasurer CHUMA– Secretary Dawn Roberts - Advisor Associate Director of Student Affairs
Agenda MedScope maintenance Scheduling an event Communication GMAIL account Google Form Google Calendar Membership and Attendance Student Organization Storage Money Bank Accounts Funding Request Forms Student Accounting Form Other Policies and Tidbits Student Activities Fair Blood Drive Participation Summary
MEDSCOPE Maintenance Faculty Advisor, Student Officers, Email address, (and webpage) should be updated on MedScope All events should go onto MedScope as soon as they are scheduled to avoid conflicts (some groups scheduled events on the same day last year) If the old officers in your group did not give you access, contact Dawn Roberts
The owner – medscope needs an owner to function correctly --- special The owner – medscope needs an owner to function correctly --- special? They would still haves access to medscope for the following years.
Make sure email is up to date
Faculty Advisor
Scheduling an Event Check MedScope for other events to minimize overlap Make a room reservation To request tables/chairs: Remember: Food events cannot be held in Taylor Lecture Hall or Hosick
Room options
Room options Available on MedScope *** announce it and put the sign up on
Events, Cont. Add your event to MedScope! –DO NOT FORGET BEFORE the event: contact AUDIO-VISUAL if you’re going to use a PPT presentation AT the event: Use a laptop to record attendance Keep your membership up-to-date AFTER the event: update the attendance list EMAIL Rooms while CCing AV
Easy as 1 …2…3 To reserve a room 1 To reserve AV equipment 2 To reserve AV equipment 2 To reserve tables and chairs 3 *** WHEN YOU EMAIL TO ROOMS@MDEDED BE SURE TO CC AV@MEDED AT THE SAME TIME ***
How to reserve Pods? Its first come first serve…. Simply add your event to medscope No need to email rooms@meded Please clean the pods after your meeting
How to Add Event to Medscope
Communication- GMAIL Groups should use a GMAIL address Please create one if you don’t have one already Also a great way to maintain photos and files on Google
Requirements All student groups must have a faculty advisor Submit Faculty Advisor Form by August 26th to Dawn Roberts You can hand-deliver/ scan and email to All student groups should hold at least two meetings and have at least one fundraising activity per year T-shirts, mugs, pens Bake sales Food festivals Charity run END OF YEAR: All student groups are responsible for electing new group leaders, transitioning information (email lists, ppts, budget information, calendars), and updating MedScope to reflect this information If you have an adivosr already.. Still need to turn in a form.
Attendance and Membership Groups should take attendance at every meeting using MedScope– Very Important for funding the following year. Members must attend at least 3 events (unless otherwise specified) throughout the year in order to maintain their membership Keep your membership active on medscope
Student organization storage Each student group gets access to a storage room and/or locker in Howard Hall Rm. 514 if needed Sign-out keys to Rm 514 in OSA- cant keep them Rent a lock from Paul Moore… also in OSA Please no food. Keep organized. Key is for the door
Bank Accounts Sara Menso (OSA) has all your accounting information and current balances Suite 150 in the OSA office Tammy VanDamme has access as well Your group Gmail should have received an update on your account balance… If not Sara Menso will send this out sometime soon.
Tax Exempt We do have a tax exempt code that can be used for purchases Any business should offer you tax-free prices with the tax exempt form. We will email you the Tax Exempt Form that you should save for future use. CODE: 52-6002033
Examples of Receipts
Student Organization Accounting Form Contd. President/Treasurer should complete an accounting form for: 1) In order to use money from your account 2) Unforeseen out of pocket expenses (up to the group’s balance amount). No payments above the group’s balance amount will be reimbursed. 3) To make deposits into your account (fundraisers/donations) ADVICE/TIPS: Complete this on time/ahead of time for every event SAVE YOUR RECEIPT Sara Menso Clubs are encouraged to fundraise to avoid out of pocket expenses by group members
How to get $$$ for your Group
Due: Tuesday, August 26th at 5pm Hand in AND email to a student council member
Funding Request From Student Council! We have only about $5000 to split amongst the 50 student groups Please DO NOT over request. Due: Tuesday, August 26th at 5pm
Lovely rules for Money Use
Other Policies and tidbits
Alcohol-open PDF with Explorer Complete Greg robinson will give finalapprocal PLEASE keep a coy of the permit and post it during your event so police wont shut you down.
What about Alcohol? After you fill out the form… turn it in to Greg Robinson @ BRB 14-039 Keep a copy of your approved permit and POST it somewhere on a wall during your event Or else the police won’t be too happy
New student groups Must provide Dawn Roberts with: Description of the mission of the group Name of the proposed faculty advisor A petition signed by 20% of the entire student body (120-130 signatures) OSA and OME Deans must give final approval on the new group’s formation New groups will remain on probation for one year. If rules are broken, the group will be disbanded and receive no further funding or recognition. Filling out funding request form: Estimate number of members Have one meeting without food to estimate membership Most likely all new groups will receive a flat amount
Upcoming events:
Student Activities Fair When: Tuesday, September 16th, 12:00pm – 3pm Deadline to reserve a table: September 12th Where: MSTF Atrium ½ table per student group Use a laptop to collect student names (and emails) Have a poster and/or pamphlets to inform students about your group Pizza will be provided Don’t leave without helping to clean-up!
BLOOD DRIVE September 24th, most likely 12pm to 6pm “You give, 3 live.” Once the time is set, you can register on the blood drive googledoc Need 3 people to volunteer per hour
Important Dates Summary August 26th Funding Request Form –email student council Faculty Advisor Form – email Dawn Robert September 12th Deadline for requesting table at Student Activities Fair September 16th Student Activities Fair 12-3pm September 24th Blood Drive April TBD Officers transition deadline
Contacts Dawn Roberts, Associate Director Student Affairs Student Council