Connecting the Process to: -Current Practice -CEP -CIITS/EDS 1
Questions for administrators and teachers 2 Hand Out Hand Out
1. Independent Work: Respond to the questions that pertain to your role (Teacher or Admin) 2. Table Talk: Discuss your responses and ideas with others at your table who have a similar role (Teacher or Admin) 3
SMART goal Proficiency component & Growth component One classroom of students, one content area 4 Specific, Measureable, Appropriate, Reliable, Time-Bound Specific, Measureable, Appropriate, Reliable, Time-Bound ___% of students will reach the level of proficiency as determined by… All of my students will grow at least _____. 3 rd Grade math students 1 st period 7 th grade language arts students 6 th period high school concert band students 3 rd Grade math students 1 st period 7 th grade language arts students 6 th period high school concert band students Hand Out 1 Hand Out 1
1. Identify Enduring Learning (by standards) and appropriate assessment processes/plans 2. Establish a baseline. 3. Determine an appropriate SGG (growth and proficiency) 4. Monitor progress; Adjust teaching strategies 5. Use District-Determined rules to rate overall Student Growth as Low, Expected, High 5 Hand Out 1 Hand Out 1
1. Identify Enduring Learning (by standards) and appropriate assessment processes/plans 2. Establish a baseline. 3. Determine an appropriate SGG (growth and proficiency) 4. Monitor progress; Adjust teaching strategies 5. Use District-Determined rules to rate overall Student Growth as Low, Expected, High 6 8, 5, 1 2, 3, 4 6, 7 2, 3, 5 New: Use District- determined decision rules
1. Identify Enduring Learning (by standards) and appropriate assessment processes/plans 2. Establish a baseline. 3. Determine an appropriate SGG (growth and proficiency) 4. Monitor progress; Adjust teaching strategies 5. Use District-Determined rules to rate overall Student Growth as Low, Expected, High 7 Before school begins 1 st 4-6 weeks of school After baseline has been established Baseline until April/May April/May
SGG Criteria (outlined by KDE and Teacher Steering Committee) SGG Rigor and Comparability Low, Expected, or High overall Student Growth Rating (district decision) 8 DISTRICT CEP
9 The SGG is congruent with KCAS and appropriate for the grade level and content area for which it was developed. The SGG represents or encompasses an enduring skill, process, understanding, or concept that students are expected to master by taking a particular course (or courses) in school. The SGG will allow high- and low-achieving students to adequately demonstrate their knowledge. The SGG provides access and opportunity for all students, including students with disabilities, ELLs, and gifted/talented students. Hand Out 1 Hand Out 1 DISTRICT CEP
10 Learning that ENDURES beyond a single test date, is of value in other disciplines, is relevant beyond the classroom, is worthy of embedded, course-long focus, may be necessary for the next level of instruction. Hand Out 1 Hand Out 1
Anchor Standards- Literacy/Science/Socia l Studies/Technical Subjects Anchor Standards Reading-ELA CCSS/KCAS-ELA C3 Framework (Plus literacy standards) - Social Studies CCSS/KCAS Critical Areas- Math(where math practices are vehicles for reaching intent of standards) KY World Language Standards National Standards-Visual Arts, PE, Music, Arts & Humanities. NGSS/KCAS- Practices/Concepts- Science Hand Out 1 Hand Out 1
13 Rigor (of the goal) Congruency to the standards Proficiency and growth components are defensible based on base-line data. Comparability (of the assessments) Agreement on what ‘meeting standards’ looks like when assessed Assessments are comparable in terms of the criteria used to determine progress toward attainment of the standard Hand Out 1 Hand Out 1 DISTRICT CEP
Using the 8 standards for mathematical practice, all of my 3 rd grade math students will develop their ability to understand multiplication and division conceptually over the course of the school year. All students will grow at least one level on the 3 rd grade critical area standards mastery rubric and 80% of students will reach proficiency (level 4 on the rubric). 14
Your Task: Analyze the baseline data on the handout and the SGG you just read to determine if the growth and proficiency components of the goal are appropriate for the current data. 15 Hand Out 2 Hand Out 2
1. Identify Enduring Learning (by standards) and appropriate assessment processes/plans 2. Establish a baseline. 3. Determine an appropriate SGG (growth and proficiency) 4. Monitor progress; Adjust teaching strategies 5. Use District-Determined rules to rate overall Student Growth as Low, Expected, High 16
17 DISTRICT CEP Hand Out 3 Hand Out 3
18 HIG H DISTRIC T CEP Hand Out 3 Hand Out 3
Your Task: Use the Revised SGG, the sample district decision rules and district-designed matrix to make a determination for this teacher’s overall growth rating. (Reminder: These samples may or may not represent your district’s decision rules. The sample is designed to allow for an experience to apply data to a set of rules to determine an overall rating.) 19 Hand Out 3 Hand Out 3 DISTRICT CEP
Teacher’s Revised Growth Component of SGG: Target: 100% of students grow at least 2 levels Actual: 86% of students grew 2 or more levels District Rule: 20 Hand Out 3 Hand Out 3
Teacher’s Revised Proficiency Component: Target: 70% of students reach level 4 (or 5) Actual: 54% of students reached level 4 (or 5) District Rule: 21 Hand Out 3 Hand Out 3
22 HIG H DISTRICT CEP Hand Out 3 Hand Out 3
Reflections on what processes already in place Program Reviews Assessment Piece Kentucky Framework for Teaching 1A: Demonstrating Knowledge of Content and Pedagogy; 1C: Selecting Instructional Outcomes; 1F: Designing Student Assessments; 2B: Establishing a Culture for Learning; 3D: Using Assessment in Instruction; 4B: Maintaining Accurate Records 23
25 If we are not using SGG as part of our evaluation system, then we do not need to do them. If you teach reading or math in grades 4-8, then you have to write 2 goals. All teachers will use the SGG process in Teachers only have to write one SGG. The Student Growth Percentile (SGP) is not a goal, it is a growth percentile that is calculated from state data. Districts decide how they want to incorporate this data into an overall Student Growth Rating.
26 Contact Information: Jenny Ray