Student Employment Information Created by Stephanie Winsock
Accessing Student Employment Log onto e-MU, highlight the Student Services tab and select Student Employment from the drop down list. This site contains information for students and supervisors. To view student applications select the Student Jobs link.
Academic and Summer Home Job Links Academic and Summer job postings are located on separate pages. Select academic or summer home job type and then “Apply Now”. Complete the application and then click the “Apply” box at the bottom of the application. Supervisors receive an notification when a student submits an application.
Application Management View To view, accept, or deny a job offer, go to the student jobs site and select the “My Applications” link. This will take you to the “My Applications” page. Select “A job offer has been sent to the applicant” in the Status column and choose accept or decline.
AFTER YOU ACCEPT A JOB PLEASE DO THE FOLLOWING If you accept this offer and have worked for the University within the last two years, you may not need to recomplete the paperwork, provided your information has not changed. If your information has changed please see Stephanie Winsock to update your paperwork. If you are not sure if your paperwork is complete please contact Stephanie Winsock, via , at for confirmation that your paperwork is in order. This is to ensure that the Payroll Department has all of the necessary information to process your pay. You CANNOT start working until the completion of your paperwork is finalized by If you accept this offer and have not worked for the University before, you must contact Stephanie Winsock in the Insalaco Center for Career Development (1st floor McAuley Hall, room 10) to complete the appropriate paperwork. This is to ensure that the Payroll Department has all of the necessary information to process your pay. You CANNOT start working until the completion of your paperwork is finalized by Stephanie.
EMPLOYMENT FORMS Employment forms are located on the student employment home page and in the Insalaco Center for Career Development.
FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS o Student Responsibilities? Log onto e-MU. Go to the Student Employment website. Apply for a job. If offered the job the student will receive an with instructions to go to the Student Employment website and select “My Applications” to accept or decline the job offer. Follow up with Stephanie Winsock, to ensure all necessary paperwork is complete. Paperwork includes the following forms: Form I-9 Employment Verification Eligibility, W-4, Direct Deposit and Residency Certificate (local earned income tax Student information is forwarded to Matt Hornak in payroll to be uploaded into ADP. Student will receive an with ADP instructions from Matt Hornak, Supervisor will receive that student can begin working.