Reporting Student Data Early Middle Colleges
Educational Entity Master (EEM)
Michigan Student Data System (MSDS) Report students in the approved entity providing EMC educational services High School Entity Program School Within a School Shared Educational Entity (SEE)
Michigan Student Data System (MSDS) Program Participation Code
Michigan Student Data System (MSDS) Will receive student-level error if entity is not flagged as Early/Middle College in EEM
Michigan Student Data System (MSDS) Steps for fixing the error: Verify that the school/facility number is correct Verify that the entity is correct in EEM CEPI customer support
Michigan Student Data System (MSDS) Incorrect Reporting Can Adversely Affect a Student’s Cohort Year Report EMC code in Program Participation EVERY time Program Code is the trigger to added cohort year
Graduation Exit Status Codes for EMC Participants 40 Graduated from a Middle College with both a high school diploma and an Associates Degree or other advanced certificate 41 Graduated from a Middle College with only a high school diploma Michigan Student Data System (MSDS)
Reporting the “5 th Year” Report Program Participation code Be consistent with grade!!
Reporting Course Information (TSDL) High school credit earning courses MUST be reported by the district College credit ONLY courses must be reported by the IHE (can also be reported by district) Courses with BOTH high school & college credit must be reported by the district & also be reported by the IHE
Assessment & Accountability Reporting Early/Middle Colleges
Where do EMC students test at? Varies depending on the E/MC model… Assessment & Accountability Reporting
Student Testing Location by EMC Type Test Type: E/MC Type: School Wide School Ex: Early College Alliance School Within School Ex: Hemlock High School Early Middle College Program Ex: Merrill HS w/Partners: Merrill Inst., Delta College, GMCA ACT & WorkKeys Students Test at the E/MC School! College Alliance S-W-S S-W-S is separate ACT/SAT Test Center from “main” school. Students use test materials from S-W-S not “main” school. EC Test Center/Materials not Hemlock HS Center/ Materials Resident/Local High School! These should also be the Operating District and School! HS M-Step S-W-S Students use test materials from S-W-S not “main” school. EC Test Materials not Hemlock HS Materials MI-Access
Additional Option: Sending Scores Back Program Assessment & Accountability Reporting
School Wide E/MCs & School Within School E/MCs (not E/MC programs) may desire to have the accountability reporting sent back to the students’ resident district, rather than remain with the ISD/district operating the facility/S-W-S. Sending Scores Back Program
Michigan’s accountability system can count E/MC students back at their resident districts if the facility/S-W-S applies for the “Sending Scores Back Program.” Sending Scores Back Program
For School Wide E/MCs or S-W-S E/MC only: Can apply annually late spring/early summer to become a Shared Educational Entity for Accountability and Reporting. Sending Scores Back Program
For School Wide E/MCs or S-W-S E/MC only: Students attending E/MC that’s also a SEE for Accountability contribute to resident districts’ accountability scorecards rather than E/MC building scorecard. School Wide E/MC or S-W-S E/MC itself does not receive a scorecard or Top-to-Bottom Ranking Sending Scores Back Program
For School Wide E/MCs or S-W-S E/MC only: School Wide E/MC or S-W-S E/MC itself does not receive a scorecard or Top-to-Bottom Ranking Sending Scores Back Program
Assessment & Accountability Reporting Who gets E/MC Student Test Scores? Varies depending on the E/MC model and whether or not E/MC is a SEE for Accountability…
Where Results are Reported by EMC Type Assessment & Accountability Reporting Type: E/MC Type: School Wide School Ex: Early College Alliance School -In- School Ex: Meridian Early College High School Program Merrill HS w/Partners: Merrill Inst., Delta College, GMCA “Raw” Assessment Results Operating District & E/MC School Operating District & S-I-S Resident/Local High School This should also be the Operating District and School! School Scorecard Results Operating District & E/MC School** Operating District & S-I-S** Top-to-Bottom Ranking Results ** If the E/MC is also a SEE for Accountability, there won’t be an annual E/MC Scorecard and Ranking. Students in E/MC schools will contribute to the student’s Resident Districts and not to any one building.
Assistance with EEM, MSDS & Student Data Reporting (CEPI) CEPI Customer Support (517) , option 3
Assistance with Accountability & Sending Scores Back (MDE) Matt Gleason Office of Evaluation, Strategic Research and Accountability (517)