Enrollment Information Forum about your benefits. Things you need to know and things to be aware of!
Certificate Of Eligibility Enrollment Certification Form Entitlement Time “Why is it important to know your exact days left” BAH Allowance/Book Stipend Extra Aid (Federal, State and UCA) and Scholarships Degree Plan Tutor Assistance Work Study
Your certificate of eligibility is very important, to you and your SCO. WHY??? It tells you… How much entitlement time remaining How long you are eligible for benefits How much book stipend and BAH allowance you should receive Most importantly your SCO cannot certify you for any additional semesters without a COE on file.
Is completed in the SCO office for the following reasons… Gives the SCO permission to certify you for your Military benefits Gives you an opportunity to change your address information Tool used to collect/correct information for the SCO to enter to ensure you get benefits Needed for VA file AUDIT Enrollment form should be completed as soon as you have registered for classes and know that your schedule is complete, with no possible changes.
Veterans must know Veterans that have not exceeded 48 months, but have relinquished any previous program to use the Post 9/11 chapter 33. Will be able to use their last remaining days to cover a full semester. Example: 8 days left after Fall Semester 2013 can be used to fully cover Spring (However it is very important that the veteran contact VA to make sure YOUR time remaining is eligible to cover that semester.) Your SCO cannot make you eligible for remaining time to cover a semester…
Dependents No matter whether you are Chapter 33 or 35, you must keep track of your time. When you exhaust all time or have a few days left that is IT… VA will prorate time remaining for book stipend, BAH Allowance and Tuition and Fees. You will be responsible for the remaining semester cost. Dependents can also call VA in order to maybe negotiate an extension of benefits, if you do not ask you will not receive. Students can request VA to research Benefits to see if Parent or spouse is eligible for a percentage upgrade on Post 9/11.
Your BAH Is determined by several factors Area code of your school or institution determines max monthly amount. (E-5 with dependents) Veterans Active duty time determines what percentage amount of the max you will receive monthly. Your scheduled attendance will determine what portion of the max amount you get monthly, Full time 12 hrs for undergrad or 9 hrs. for Grad’s ¾ is 9 hrs. for undergrad or >6 and < 9 hrs. for Grad’s ½ is 6 hrs. for undergrad or 5 for Grad’s Less than half time you will not receive BAH A yearly books and supplies stipend of up to $1000 paid proportionately based on enrollment. Which is equal to 24 credit hours in a year. 1000/24=$41.67 per hr. Which is also based on Veterans’ percentage.
Aid or assistance that is not designated for the sole purpose of reducing a student’s tuition and fee cost should be deducted from the net in-state charges reported to VA. A scholarship that is general in nature and may be used to defray school costs such as food, housing, books, etc. Since it’s not “specifically designated for the sole purpose of defraying tuition and fees,“ it is not deducted from the charges submitted to VA.
All Chapters will be required to have a Degree Plan on file with the SCO before any further certifications for benefits can be submitted. Students that are unsure on how to make their own Degree Plan can be assisted by the Veteran Mentors that are located in Old Main second floor. Degree Plans will consist of all classes that have been previously taken here and at Institutions in which credit or a passing grade has been achieved. This is important because it is a main part of what the SCO has to have ready when the VA comes to Campus to conduct an Audit on each students file that is maintained.
Non-Compliance will result in Benefits not being submitted. Changing Majors will result in submitting new Degree Plan to the SCO. All Classes taken not associated with current Degree Plan will not be certified. Reminder: All chapters (except Post 9/11 or 33) only need 12 hours to be fulltime and for SCO to certify. Post 9/11 or Chapter 33 your Tuition and Fees are paid according to hours enrolled. All classes must fall into your Degree Plan.
Tutorial assistance helps the student pay for necessary tutoring. Tutorial assistance is available if you are receiving VA educational assistance at the half-time or greater rate and have a deficiency in a subject making tutoring necessary. Overview The monthly rate of tutorial assistance may not exceed the cost of tutoring or $100. The maximum amount payable is $1200. There is no entitlement charge for the first $600 under the Montgomery GI Bill (Chapters 30 or 1606), There is no entitlement charge under the Port-9/11 GI Bill or DEA. Eligibility All of the following criteria must be met for a student to be eligible for tutorial assistance. The student must be in a post secondary program ½-time or more. For Chapter 33, rate of pursuit must be “at least 50%.” The student must have a deficiency in a course that is part of his or her approved program. The student must be enrolled in the course during the quarter, semester, or term in which the tutoring is received for the course. Tutoring may not occur between quarters or semesters.
How Much May I Earn? You’ll earn an hourly wage equal to the Federal minimum wage or your State minimum wage, whichever is greater. After you’ve completed the hours covered by your first payment, VA will pay you each time you complete 50 hours of service. You may work during or between periods of enrollment. You can arrange with VA to work any number of hours you want during your enrollment. But, the total number of hours you work can’t be more than 25 times the number of weeks in your enrollment period. 25 hours x 16 weeks (semester)=400 hours SCO will need a schedule of your availability and a resume of your work history. You can fill out the application with me in the office if you are interested
The website that we use to hire our veterans ( How the VA is always looking to hire qualified applicants. We have some intern positions coming available that will be posted on this website. If anyone is interested in job opportunities and need help maneuvering through the site, or have questions about which forms need to be uploaded then they can call or and I will be happy to assist. Just because we work in support of a hospital does not mean that all of our positions are focused on health care professionals. Disabled veterans and war time veterans receive extra points towards their overall score (for rating purposes). We have a few different hiring authorities. If they would like to know if they qualify for any of the non competitive appointments then they can just call me with their DD214 in hand and give me their dates and I will let them know how much of a preference that they have.