IAAO conference 2014 Berlin / Bote Folkertsma Exchange of student data Flanders Netherlands ?
Agenda Goal of the project with Flanders Information on the Groningen declaration, –what, who, when, actions –Is there a relation with the IAAO? Mobility of international students in the Netherlands –Enrollment of international applicants The project with Flanders Conclusions
Goal project Pilot to investigate and develop or use a method to exchange data of students / applicants in Flanders and Netherlands as part of the enrollment process in both countries.
Why this project Outcome of signing the Groningen declaration by DUO –Need for pilots: practise what you preach DUO = Government agency that –has the diploma register for all secundary diplomas –Has a register of all present students and there history –Determins the number of funded students at each HE institute –Handles all student loans –And some other things…..
Infrastructure Netherlands
Groningen declaration > meeting in Groningen organised by DUO to discuss possibilities to collaborate on the topic of e- exchange of student data Result of the meeting: signing a paper document, called the Groningen declaration Interesting in perspective of Studielink –Not one IAAO member was invited or has signed! –Not one institute was involved. –Are there more organisations directly involved in admission in HE (apart from government departments, SIS suppliers, …)?
Goal of the declaration “To make Digital Student Data Portability happen. Citizens world wide should be able to consult and share their authentic educational data with whomever they want, whenever they want, wherever.” –> accent on the (re-) usability of data in depositories (mostly at governemental organisations) –> not specific or only intended for supporting enrollment of students but also f.i. for companies that will check a diploma of a potential employee
Participants of the declaration See: Connections with: –Eunis –RS3G –Commercial vendors Relation IAAO and Groningen declaration?
Benefits of project with Flanders To deminish the administrative burden –Costs to admit an international student are high Netherlands: estimated € 500 (domestic student estimated € 50) –Save time of the total duration of admittance process From 2/3 months to 2 weeks? –To promote simplicity of the process For students and institutes To prevent fraude –Exchange of trusted diploma information To stimulate student mobility –By removing barriers
Why project with Flanders Many Dutch students go to Flanders –Escape for some barriers like the lottery for medicine We are neighbours –Language! –… We know each other –Relations DUO and Ahovos (=Flanders goverment agency) Think big, act small –Flanders + Nederland: let us just start…
Mobility of Dutch students Mobility is rising Where do students go? UK Belgium (Flaanders) USA Germany
Mobility to the Netherlands Number of international students is growing: students in % of total admissions in that year Destination in 2012 – 2013: germany China België (Vlaanderen)
Project Flanders Netherlands Present situation –Fase of scanning possibilities –Two sessions organised: in Groningen and Brussels –Exploring the situation in each country Understand eachother! Vocabulary! Some assumpions –Re-use of existing products and processes –With respect to the specific national education system –Follow and use European developments like Stork
What did we do 2 Explore the need of data must havenice to have AvailableNot availableAvailableNot available officiel namecourses region institute (like postal code) officiel first namenumber of hours study results adressfigures residence status sexelanguage level nationality grade specification (M of science) native relevant diploma diploma given on enrollment data
What did we do 3 Explore the developments on technical developments –Stork 2.0 Use of national e-ID in other countries Implementation of national hubs (PEPS) to transport data Knowledge of each national infrastructure –Netherlands -> Studielink: everything is handled digitally –Flanders -> no (sub) national infrastructure with institutes, a lot of actions are processed on paper
Stork 2.0
What did we do Explore some process flow –The student is in charge…… (privacy aspect!) A Dutch person wants to study in Flanders A person in Flanders wants to study in the Netherlands –The governmental environment in charge Is that allowed? Explore some legal challenges –Can we use the Dutch eID in Flanders? –Flanders uses a eID system with cardreaders. Can that be used in the Netherlands?
Issues to be tackled Short term long term –Stork 2.0 is not in production: when? –Can we make some shortcuts? Project development –Who is in charge? –Who will invest in the project? Legal restrictions –Use of data outside your country Developments in other projects? –Results of pilots in Stork in field of education –RS3G results?
Conclusions Lots of differences between our countries –Infrastructure is complete different –Understanding each other: we speak the same language! Involvement of institutes is essential –Lots of enthousiasm –Participation is low Project funding is crucial –Potential -> realisation Our next session is planned –Results in our next IAAO meeting