MUSoD Student Research Group September 26, 2012 Membership Drive Jennifer Fehrman D4 SRG President Welcome New Students!
Ways to Get Involved… Join SRG! $35 yearly membership dues Benefits: Monthly Journal Club meetings (food provided) Connections with faculty members for possible research projects Research grants Ability to attend National SRG meetings, other research events, etc., funded by MUSoD! Great travel experiences – meeting students from other schools Fireside Chats – any interest?? Senior Research Award Fundraising Contact a faculty member to get involved in their projects …or, create your own and use us a resource to connect you with the right faculty members! 09/26/20122
SRG Executive Board: President - Jennifer Fehrman Vice President - Secretary - Treasurer - Emily LaBadie D4 Reps - Emily LaBadie & Megan Van Lieshout D3 Reps - Katherine Stahrr & Kimberly Rybicki D2 Reps - D1 Reps - Webmaster - Kyle Everson If interested in running for a position, sign up before you leave today, or Emily or myself so we can get your name on the Elections ONLINE next week!! 09/26/20123
MUSoD Student Research Day! Wednesday, February 13th, 2013 ◦ School – wide celebration of research ◦ A place to showcase your projects/posters ◦ A place to support your colleagues actively involved in research Research Day Committee ◦ Megan Van Lieshout ◦ ??? 09/26/20124
Important Info… Visit our webpage! Or us! Membership dues can be paid at anytime, but MUST be given to Emily LaBadie (check made out to MUSoD SRG or cash - $35) You will receive a confirmation from when your dues are received 09/26/20125
Upcoming Dates… Monday October 1 st ◦ Journal Club – Room 003 ◦ Dr. Hefti Caries Monday October 22 nd ◦ Journal Club – Room 202 ◦ Dr. Seifi Oral Pathology Monday November 26 th ◦ Journal Club – Room 202 ◦ Dr. Hodgson Caries/Pediatric Dentistry Any questions??? 09/26/20126