Success Through Wellness: Exploring Implementation Success Through Wellness: Exploring Implementation Natalie Roach Campus Mental Health Facilitator Student Affairs/Human Resources
Take Home Message As a service provider, staff member and colleague, I am a part of this strategy. Contributing Benefitting Seeing actions as part of the ‘larger whole’
Overview 1.The star of the show 2.Our stories of wellness 3.The Road to wellness… 4.‘…Are we doing it right?’
The Strategy Is Born… Success Through Wellness
Goals, Components and Priorities Goal 1: A Committed Community I.E… Component: Institutional Structure
Goals, Components and Priorities Goal 2: A Caring Community I.E… Component: Supportive, Inclusive Campus Climate and Environment
Goals, Components and Priorities Goal 3: A Healthy Community I.E… Component: Mental Health Awareness and Self-Management
Goals, Components and Priorities Goal 4: A Responsive Community I.E… Component: Community Capacity to Respond to Early Indication of Concern
Goals, Components and Priorities Goal 5: A Supportive Community I.E… Component: Accessible Mental Health Services
Goals, Components and Priorities Goal 6: A Resourceful Community I.E… Component: Crisis Management
Six priority areasSix priority areas Over 60 recommendations (i.e. ‘actions’)Over 60 recommendations (i.e. ‘actions’)
Priority Areas E.G.: Increased respect and inclusion, especially for people from minority groups and women. E.G.: Student, faculty and staff awareness and education.
Recommendations Explore ways to enhance accessibility to campus mental health services, including stepped care approaches, group programming, and session limits (Student Affairs)
Recommendations Align resources to create an infrastructure for campus mental health, including community working groups to guide the implementation of mental health initiatives (PET/ Student Affairs/ Human Resources (HR)
Recommendations Increase orientation opportunities for graduate, international, Indigenous, and rural and northern students (Student Life/ Student Unions/Inter- national Centre for Students/ Aboriginal Student Centre/ Faculties)
Stakeholders 43 Groups on campus listed as responsible for carrying out the recommended actions.
SA Stories of Wellness Current Initiatives: students Experiencing the strategy: staff
SA Stories of Wellness Focus on Students… Service Learning Groups Full Moon Ceremony “Dog Dafoe & Bannatyne
SA Stories of Wellness And more… Bannatyne Inner City Bus Tour SCC Service Model Change Mental Health in ROASS (pending!)
SA Stories of Wellness Focus on Staff…
The Road to Wellness: Implementation Plan PrioritizeOperationalizeImplementSustain
Prioritize! Time to Mingle…
10 Recommendations: Pick your # 1 1.Increase access to workplace and student accommodations. 2.Increase student participation on committees and councils. 3.Promote respect, inclusion and valuing of diversity. 4.Increase sense of physical & psychological safety on campus. 5.Increase transition support to first year students. 6.Reduce misuse of alcohol/other substances during Orientation Week. 7.Explore extending wellness services through community agencies. 8.Enhance support for employees with mental health problems. 9.Develop and enhance student-led wellness services (e.g., PEERS) 10.Promote active living opportunities on campus.
The Road to Wellness: Implementation Plan Prioritize Operationalize ImplementSustain
The Road to Wellness: Champions Group Creates structure over implementation work Hierarchically and representationally appropriate Ability to bring allies into implementation Creates sustainability
Champions for Mental Health Group Current Status Membership Next Steps
‘…are we doing it right?’: Exploring Evaluation Tamarack Institute: Evaluating Community Impact Complexity of evaluating community impact Early focus on outcomes key
Final Thought on Evaluation What information do we need, packaged how and for what purpose?
Take Home Message As a service provider, staff member and colleague, I am a part of this strategy. Contributing Benefitting Seeing actions as part of the ‘larger whole’
And Lastly, a fancy updated Website!
So…what do we think? QuestionsQuestions InsightsInsights CommentsComments
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