Which of the following reasons best describes your reason for attending this conference?
What three undergraduate student success initiatives or issues best lend themselves to partnerships at your institution? First Year Programs Academic Advising Student Success Centers Living Learning Communities Retention Efforts Academic Support Skills/Tutoring Early Alert Systems Orientation Curricular Design
When new student success partnerships are proposed, what is the most frequent originating source?
When a new student success partnership initiative is proposed, where do you most commonly find the greatest resistance?
How would you best characterize the stance of your president or chancellor towards these partnerships?
What has been the trend on your campus in terms of integration of academic and student affairs functions? More Integration 65% No Change 28% Less 7%
What are the two greatest factors influencing interest in partnerships on your campus? Partnership interest Belief that partnerships will yield greater student success 75% Economic need to achieve greater efficiencies 31%
Does your institution ever hold joint academic/student affairs retreats, summit meetings, special forums, etc? Frequently 8% Occasionally 26% Rarely 27% “YES” “No” 39%
When you personally look for information/inspiration for models of effective partnership, where do you turn? Professional Meetings NASPA HLC FYE AAC&U NACADA AACC ACPA Other Institutions Peer Local state colleges Big Ten Community College systems Published Literature Chronicle CC Week ESource for CollegeTransition s Educational Advisory Board All things by John N. Gardner, Randy Swing, and ACCT
Which if any of these or other “processes” have you used as a way to jointly explore enhancing partnerships? Reaffirmation of Accreditation 31% Foundations of Excellence 38% Grant Proposals 22% Achieving the Dream 1% Not Sure 8%
How do you primarily classify your position? Academic Affairs Student Affairs Other 49% 44% 7%
At your institution does the chief student affairs officer report to: Chief Student Affairs Officer Chief Academic Officer 21% Chief Executive Officer 58% Other 17% President Chief Operations Chief/VP Enrollment Is also Chief Academic Officer 5%
Do you have dual reporting lines to both academic and student affairs for some functions on your campus? Advising Undergraduate Studies First Year Experience International Student Retention Honors Study Abroad Learning/ Study Skills Career Center No 74% Yes 26%
Who shared their thoughts? 49 Institutions 136 surveys started 108 completed
Thank you for sharing!