Student Learning Data The Three R’s: Requirements, Recommendations & Resources 1
Objectives Understand the regulatory requirements applicable to the student learning data component Distinguish the recommendations concerning the student data component from the actual requirements Locate resources available for building awareness around the new requirements and developing a pilot for the student data component utilizing the recommendations 4
Requirements: Student Learning Data Supports the purpose of educator evaluation Educator evaluation must provide information and analysis that… Helps the educator grow professionally Improves the effectiveness of instruction Relates to the future employment of the educator 4 AAC (a) 5
Requirements: Educator Engagement Educators subject to the evaluation system must be consulted when establishing performance standards for student growth 4 AAC (e)(1) When selecting the measures in a particular subject and grade level, educators who teach the subject and grade level or a related subject and grade level must be consulted 4 AAC (d) 6
Requirements: Student Learning Data Includes two to four measures of student growth per teacher or administrator 4 AAC (e)(2) Uses data from the statewide, standard-based test as one measure, when and where appropriate 4 AAC (e)(3) Insures students’ data are appropriately assigned to the educator 4 AAC (e)(5) Required in administrator and teacher evaluations beginning in the school year 4 AAC (d) 7
Requirements: Student Learning Data Definition Measurable gains Knowledge, understanding, and skills Objective, empirical, and valid Standardized and non-standardized Statewide tests, when approved 4 AAC (2-4,6 & 7) 4 AAC (e)(3) 8
Requirements: Overall Educator Rating Beginning in the school year, a district shall include student learning data in teacher and administrator’s overall rating according to the following schedule: SY 2015 ‐ 16 & SY 2016 ‐ 17, at least 20% SY 2017 ‐ 18, at least 35% SY 2018 ‐ 19 and after, at least 50% 4 AAC (e)(2) 9
What approaches are being used to incorporate student learning data into an educators evaluation? Value-Added Measure (VAM) Student Growth Percentiles (SGP) Student Learning Objectives (SLO) 10 Student Learning Data
Recommendations: What was considered… Value-added & Student Growth Percentiles Difficult to explain Limited to tested grades and subjects Limited to standardized assessments Disconnected Student Learning Objectives Understandable & values the educator’s knowledge & skill Utilized by all teachers in all subjects and grades Adaptable and collaborative Connects teacher practice to student learning 11
Recommendations: Student Learning Objectives (SLOs) 12 An SLO is a measurable, long-term, academic goal informed by available data that a teacher or teacher team sets at the beginning of the year for all students or for subgroups of students.
Recommendations : SLOs – When & How? 13 Source: Lachlan-Haché, L., Cushing, E., & Bivona, L. (2012). Student learning objectives as measures of educator effectiveness: The basics. Washington, DC: American Institutes for Research. Retrieved from
14 Student Population Interval of Instruction Standard Assessment Baseline/Trend Data Student Targets Recommendations : SLOs – What do they look like?
Recommendations : SLOs – Who will be responsible? 15 Increasing Teacher Agency Increasing SLO Comparability Type 1 Set by teacher or teacher team using available assessments Type 2 Set by teacher or teacher team using assessment list or ranking Type 3 Set by teacher or teacher team using common assessments Type 4 Set by local education agency using common assessments and common growth targets Image adapted from: Lachlan-Haché, L., Matlach, L., Cushing, E., Mean, M., & Reese, K. (2013). Student learning objectives: Early lessons from the Teacher Incentive Fund. Washington, DC: TIF TA Network.
16 Avoid the valid & reliable swamp Use existing assessments that educators already consider reasonable, creditable and consistent. Recommendations : Getting Started with SLOs
Recommendations: Getting Started 17 Engage educators at the beginning of the student data component development Whenever possible, use teams of educators to development SLOs (e.g. grade levels and subject areas) Use historical information and baseline data to establish rigorous, realistic targets One measure to pilot; two measures to start (version 1.0)
Recommendations : Pilot Year SY Build & pilot the student learning component of your evaluation system Present the pilot as a professional development opportunity for your teachers and administrators Take advantage of the school year’s no-stakes environment
19 Additional Recommendations: Frequently Asked Questions
Resources: District-Level Culture of Collaboration Access to Student Data Assessment Inventory 20 SMART Goals Assessment Literacy Data Informed Decision Making
21 SLO Template SLO Class Roster Assessment Assurance Quality Checklist SLO Checklist Resources: Templates
EED Contact Information Sondra Meredith, Administrator (907)