Course Planning 2015/2016
Current Counsellors 2014/2015 Grade 8 Grade 9 Grade 10 Grade 11 Grade 12 Career Information Assistant Shared Ms. Paley Mrs. Romano Ms. Gill Mrs. Lee
Key Points for Consideration Personal Future Choices Current Graduation Requirements Post-Secondary Admission Requirements
Student/Parent Roles Research courses available/required Familiarize self with course booklet Investigate options/interests Discuss course selections Complete Course Selection 5 Year Plan Parental approval required Register for your courses online Return completed course selection sheet to counsellor by due date
Counsellor & Career Info Assistant (CIA) Counsellor: Provide course information and graduation requirements Provide academic, career and personal counselling Keep current on Graduation Requirements CIA: Provide post-secondary information Provide assistance with part-time and volunteer work opportunities Provide assistance in finding student tutors
Graduation Requirements Courses vs. Credits 1 Course = 4 Credits Required credits 48 Credits Elective credits 32 Credits Graduation Transition 4 Credits Grade 12 level 16 Credits (including English 12) Total to graduate= 80 Credits
Required Courses Grades 10 English 10 4 credits Social Studies 10 4 credits Math 10 4 credits Science 10 4 credits PE 10 4 credits Planning 10 4 credits
Required Courses Grades 11 & 12 English 11 or Com 114 credits Social Studies 11 4 credits Math 11 4 credits Science 114 credits English 12 or Com 124 credits Applied Skills or Fine Arts (10-12) 4 credits Total Required Credits: 48
Required Courses Science 11 ( 3 choices at UHill )Path 1)Biology*University 2)Chemistry**University 3) Physics**University * Also offered at the Honours level **Also offered as Advanced Placement
Advanced Placement Courses(AP) Selection Criteria To apply for any AP course, students MUST complete an AP application by February 13th, 2015 to be considered for the AP course(s) of their choice. Application forms will be available from counsellors, on the school website or the main office. Students who wish to enroll in an AP course(s) must also enroll in courses across other subject areas. Students who wish to take an AP course(s), must be enrolled in a minimum of 7 courses at UHill. Students MUST have completed the necessary pre-requisite courses as indicated in the AP course description(s) in the course planning guide and must have these pre-requisites approved by the AP selection committee. Students will be ranked and priority will be given to students who have achieved a minimum of 86% in the pre-requisite course(s) with no course mark below 60% and a minimum average of 86% in the best 6 of 7 courses at UHill.
Priority for AP Courses Priority will be given to: Students who are involved in extra-curricular activities and show well-roundedness. Students who have demonstrated good character, leadership and initiative at UHill. Students who show good citizenship through their contribution to the school community.
Advanced Placement Guidelines Students may take up to a maximum of 3 AP courses at UHill per year. Course Drop Policy: Students wishing to drop an AP course(s) MUST follow regular course drop deadlines and guidelines. *Deadline to drop courses NOT requiring administrator approval is September 30th, *Deadline to drop courses REQUIRING administrator approval is October 15th, *Any requests to drop courses after October 15th, 2015 will NOT be considered unless there are exceptional, extenuating and unforeseen circumstances that have arisen. These requests will require application in writing to and approval from the grade administrator. Please Note: Withdrawal from an AP course(s) may be reflected in a reference letter(s) and students may NOT be eligible for awards and scholarships.
AP Guidelines cont. Students MUST write the AP exam for each AP course they are enrolled in at UHill in order to get credit for that AP course(s). Students who choose to NOT write the AP exam(s) will NOT have the “AP” version of the course recorded on their transcript and will NOT get credit for the AP course. *Students should seriously consider this when applying for post-secondary institutions. Students taking AP courses must read, agree to and sign a commitment contract which also requires a parent/guardian signature.
AP Additional Information Fees: A non-refundable amount of $110 will be charged for each AP exam that a student registers for. A non-refundable fee will also be charged for AP Course supplies. Please see the specific AP course teacher for amounts. Only 1 section of each AP course will be offered in a school year with a maximum of 30 students per course. Students approved for an AP course(s) will be ranked based on the criteria above with the first 30 students being registered in the course and the remaining approved students put on a waitlist. All applications and the resulting selection process including waitlists will be kept confidential due to the complexity of factors to be considered.
AP Courses for 2015/2016 AP Biology 12 Pre-Requisite: Biology 11 Honors AP Chemistry 12 Pre-Requisite: Chemistry 11 Honors AP Economics-Microeconomics Pre-Requisite: none, open to all in Gr 11 &12 AP Human Geography Pre-Requisite Course Required: Socials 11 AP Music Theory Pre-Requisite: none, open to all in GR 11 &12 *Recommended: basic performance skills in voice or on an instrument. AP Physics 1 Pre-Requisite Course Required: Pre-Calculus 11 (or to be taken concurrently) AP Physics 2 Pre-Requisite Course Required: AP Physics 1 or Physics 11 Honors AP Studio Art 12: 2-Dimensional Design, 3-Dimensional Design, and Drawing and Painting Pre-Requisite Course Required: none, open to all in Gr 11 &12
Gr. 11 Honours Courses Honours courses at University Hill: o Better prepare students for curriculum covered at the university level and AP courses in Gr. 12. o Are more challenging in that they also prepare students for the AP courses. o Note: These courses appear as regular courses on a University Hill transcript.
ELL Course Selections Teachers (not Counsellors)promote students to the next level of ELL or into regular classes Testing is done through the English Department and takes place typically in September, December and late Spring When ELL students are choosing courses for next year they are to choose the same level of ELL that they are presently in for the next year. For example: If you are in English level 1 right now you are to choose English level 1 for next year. When counsellors receive notification of movements from the ELL teachers in June – Counsellors will move ELL students into appropriate level classes If you are an ELL student and you are unclear of what class to choose please consult with your counsellor
Drop Date for Courses Deadline to drop a full year course is Oct. 15 th, 2015 Deadline to drop an Advanced Placement course is September 30 th, no Admin signature required is required. After October 15 th, 2015 – an administrator signature will be required Permission to drop a course after the deadline will only be considered in exceptional cases (i.e. medical)
Math Support at U.Hill This course is the same as Pre-calculus 11 This course is offered as a double block on timetable. Math 11 double block is offered to students who take math every day because they need additional support and time to complete the curriculum. This course is only offered to students who have received a C+ or lower in Mathematics 10. Students may self-select this option and counsellors may recommend this option for students whom they see as a good fit.
Math Curriculum
Graduation Exams Provincial Exams Math 1020% of final mark Science 1020% of final mark English 10 20% of final mark Social Studies 1120% of final mark English 12 (or Com 12) 40% of final mark
Elective Courses Applied Skills Business Education Home Economics Technology Education Fine Arts Visual Arts Drama Music Academics (beyond requirements)
Grad Transitions Grade 12 students must demonstrate they have met the following requirements: Personal Health - maintain a personal health plan and participate in at least 150 minutes per week of moderate to vigorous physical activity. Community Connections - participate in at least 30 hours of work experience and/or community service and describe what was learned. Career and Life - complete a transition plan and present significant accomplishments. Grad Transitions is a required four-credit course. At UHill, Mrs. Desai teaches Grad Transitions as a non-enrolling course whereby students submit four assignments, which collectively fulfill the Ministry Course Requirements.
5 Yr Course Selection at a Glance Grade 8Grade 9Grade 10Grade 11Grade 12 Eng 8Eng 9Eng 10 *Eng 11Eng 12 * SS 8SS 9SS 10SS 11*Gr. 12 Ma 8Ma 9Ma 10*Ma 11 (Pre- Cal or Foundations) Gr. 12 Sc 8Sc 9Sc 10*Sc 11Gr. 12 PE 8PE 9PE 10Elective Fr 8/ELC/ Skills (Second Language) Plan 10Elective AS 8Elective(Second Language) Elective FA 8Elective
External Credits Approved credits authorized by Ministry of Education Languages (Grade 6+ in another country) Music (RCM Grade 6 and above) Dance Drama Sports: Athletics Youth Development: (Scouts, Guides) Industrial Development: (Driver’s Ed., Industrial First-aid)
Language Requirements and Language Challenge Exams A second language is not required for high school graduation. However, most BC university programs require a second language for admission. Students who speak a second language may write a Language Challenge Exam for course credit.
Post UHill Options… a) University b) College Uhillc) Upgrade/Adult Ed d) Trade School e) Work f) Gap Year
Post Secondary Information Admission requirements vary from one institution to the next Check University web sites (information on all BC public post secondary programs) (Canadian institutions and programs) (info. On U.S. schools)
UBC Admission Requirements (ARTS Vancouver) Grade 11 Requirements : English 11*, Social Studies 11 Foundations of Math 11&12 or Pre-Calculus 11 Science 11 (BI11, CH11, PH11, or ESC11) Language 11** (not beginner’s level) Grade 12 Requirements : English 12* 3 other approved courses (GEO 12, HI 12, BI12, CH12, PH 12, MA 12, LIT 12, Language 12) For a comprehensive list visit: c-Yukon/ * A Minimum of 70% in EN 11 OR EN 12 mandatory (including Provincial Exam where applicable) ** Second Language 12 is highly recommended
UBC Admission Requirements (SCIENCE Vancouver) Grade 11 Requirements : English 11*, Social Studies 11, Pre-Calculus 11, Language 11 (not beginner’s level) Physics 11 and Chemistry 11 Grade 12 Requirements : English 12* Pre-Calculus 12 (min. 67%) Two other approved Gr. 12 courses including at least one of BI 12, CH 12, PH 12, GEOL 12 * A Minimum of 70% in EN 11 OR EN 12 mandatory (including Provincial Exam where applicable)
UBC Admission Requirements (Commerce 2015) o Grade 11 Requirements : o English 11, Social Studies 11 o Pre-Calculus 11 o Science 11 (BI11, CH11, PH11, or ESC11) o Language 11 (not beginner’s level) o Grade 12 Requirements : o English 12 o Pre-Calculus 12 o 2 other approved courses *Calculus 12 is Highly Recommended
SFU Admission Requirements (ARTS & Social Sciences 2015) Grade 11 Requirements: English 11 Foundations of Math 11&12 or Pre-Calculus11 (min. 60%) Science 11 (BI11, CH11, PH11, or ESC11) Language 11 (Beginner’s level acceptable) Grade 12 Requirements: English 12 (min. 60% blended mark including Provincial exam) 3 other approved courses (i.e. BI12, CH12, PH 12, Pre-Calc 12, GEO 12, HI 12, LIT 12, Language 12)
SFU Admission Requirements (SCIENCES 2015) Grade 11 Requirements : English 11, Pre-Calculus Math 11* Chemistry 11 and Physics 11 Language 11 (Beginner’s level acceptable) Grade 12 Requirements : English 12 (min. 60% including Provincial exam) Pre-Calculus 12* 2 other approved courses including BI12, CH12, PH12 *minimum 60% required in Pre-Calculus 11 OR Pre-Calculus 12 OR Foundations of Math 11
U of T Admission Requirements (2015) Grade 12 Arts Requirements : English 12 3 other Grade 12 approved academic courses Grade 12 Rotman Commerce Requirements: English 12 Calculus 12 is required for Commerce Online Supplemental application required Grade 12 Science Requirements: English 12 Calculus 12 2 other Grade 12 approved courses that are specific to the Science program you are applying to
Course Planning Booklet 2015 o Course Booklet & Course Planning Presentation can be downloaded at: o o Please refer to Course Booklet to choose courses o Make sure that correct course code and grade level are selected o Select courses online! NEW! o Contact Info: o Ms. Gill: o Mrs. Romano: o Ms. Paley:
Selecting Courses ONLINE Enter your username and password given to you. Use lower case for username and UPPER CASE for PASSWORD. 3. DO NOT CHANGE YOUR PASSWORD! IT WILL CREATE PROBLEMS! BE SURE TO KEEP IT CONFIDENTIAL. 4. Click the Login button. After a successful login you will be switched over from Parent Assistant (Purple) to Student Assistant (Blue) 5. IGNORE THE CHANGE PASSWORD SCREEN!! 6. The Courses button will appear when you hover over the STUDENT UPDATE. 7. Click on the COURSES options under Student Update. 8. On the courses screen click on the ADD COURSE button 9. An additional “ADD COURSES” window will appear with all the courses available at UHill.