July 26, 2011
Purpose of Athletics The Northside Independent School District Athletic Program plays an integral part in student learning and the development of well rounded students. The purpose of our athletic program is to promote high academic standards along with developing strong character. Our coaches are committed to developing our young men and women to be the best possible student, athlete, and citizen they can possibly become through the spirit of competition. Coaches will motivate our student/athletes to always put forth their best effort in the development of their character, talents, and academic success.
What Successful Instructional Leaders Know: Clearly define what students should know and how we know they know it. Establish and maintain school wide interventions and enrichments. Getting students connected to something positive is instrumental to successful student learning and the development of well rounded students.
Athletic Intervention/Enrichment Interventions are for the students that need more time to learn. Athletics gives these students extra support and motivation to stay in school and not drop out. The poise, character, and self- discipline that is developed in athletics enhances successful student learning in the classroom. Enrichment is for the students that already “have it”. Athletics “stretch” these students to go above and beyond the commitment to excellence in the spirit of competition as well as academic success.
Northside Athletic Participation High School Athletics Girls Athletics1,818 Boys Athletics3,608 Dual Athletics929 Total6,355 High School Students in Athletics - 23% Middle School Athletics Girls Athletics2,447 Boys Athletics3,303 Dual Athletics97 Total5,847 7 th /8 th MS Students in Athletics - 40%
Performance of Northside Student/Athletes and Non-Athletes Student/Athletes Attendance 95.1% Discipline Actions 18.9% Taking AP Classes 26.0% Seniors Graduating 97.1% Non-Athletes Attendance 93.7% Discipline Actions 28.4% Taking AP Classes 21.3% Seniors Graduating 90.1%
2010 ELA TAKS Student/Athletes Grade 9 97% (+3) Eco. Dis.95% (+3) Grade 10 97% (+3) Eco. Dis.95% (+4) Grade 11 98% (+2) Eco. Dis. 98% (+4) Non-Athletes Grade 9 94% Eco. Dis.92% Grade 10 94% Eco. Dis.91% Grade 11 96% Eco. Dis.94%
2010 Social Studies TAKS Student/Athletes Grade 10 98% (+3) Eco. Dis. 96% (+4) Grade % (+1) Eco. Dis.99% (+1) Non-Athletes Grade 10 95% Eco. Dis.92% Grade 11 99% Eco. Dis.98%
2010 Science TAKS Student/Athletes Grade 10 86% (+10) Eco. Dis. 77% (+9) Grade 11 96% (+2) Eco. Dis. 94% (+3) Non-Athletes Grade 10 76% Eco. Dis.68% Grade 11 94% Eco. Dis.91%
2010 Math TAKS Student/Athletes Grade 9 82% (+12) Eco. Dis. 75% (+13) Grade 10 86% (+12) Eco. Dis. 81% (+13) Grade 11 95% (+5) Eco. Dis. 93% (+6) Non-Athletes Grade 9 70% Eco. Dis.62% Grade 10 74% Eco. Dis.68% Grade 11 90% Eco. Dis.87%
Northside Coaches Teaching Assignments High School Business/CT 7 Math26 English 21 Science 27 Social Studies 62 FineArts3 PE 44 Spec. Ed.39 Intl Lang 10 Health 19 Middle School Career Tech 4 Math 17 English/Reading 14 Science 21 Social Studies 32 FineArts 2 PE 86 Spec. Ed. 15 Intl. Lang. 1 *
Athletic Coaching Stipends and Assignments Athletic Stipends $2,179,137 Extra Days $1,742,205 (22.35% of overall district stipends) High School Coaches = 303 (*28 at each school: 14 boys / 10 girls / 4 dual) + 2 trainers (45 Teams at each high school) Middle School Coaches = 202 (*10 at each school: 6 boys / 4 girls) (28 Teams at each middle school)
Athletics Operational Budget Operational Budget $3,410,237 (1.47% of overall general operating budget) Athletic Revenue $2,568, (Returned To General Fund) Northside Boosters Association $472, Total Revenue $59, (12.5%) Back to Northside General Fund $156, Back to High School Campuses ($15, per campus)
Athletic Projects In Total Bond Packages 2001 Bond – 9.11% Athletic Projects 2004 Bond – 0.73% Athletic Projects 2007 Bond – 0.17% Athletic Projects 2010 Bond – 2.90% Athletic Projects Total on Athletics – 3.01%
No Secret To Success Talent + Teamwork = Success