Fayette County Public Schools Maintaining a FCPS Electronic “Truancy Referral”
You may receive an from the “Contact” or “Ability to Refer” employee at your school regarding a student’s unexcused absences. The will look very similar to the screen shot below. To get started simply click the “CLICK HERE” link in the .
If you have misplaced your , you may also type the website in your web browser to take you directly to your list of truant students. Open a blank webpage and type the following address: Open a blank webpage and type the following address:
For future reference, you may also save the webpage in your “Favorites” drop-down menu: With the webpage open, click Favorites – Add To Favorites With the webpage open, click Favorites – Add To Favorites The following window will appear, click “OK” The following window will appear, click “OK” You will now be able to open a webpage, click Favorites, and select the Truants – View Data page. This will take you to your list of truant students.
Once you arrive at the webpage it will show you all students still in the “Pending” status. This means they have not yet been referred to IAKSS.
There are 5 columns on this page Name – Name of the student Name – Name of the student In Use – This will tell you if any other employee is currently using the student’s truancy record. In Use – This will tell you if any other employee is currently using the student’s truancy record. In Use By – This will tell you which employee is currently using the student’s truancy record (if any) In Use By – This will tell you which employee is currently using the student’s truancy record (if any) Responded Already? – This will tell you whether or not you have responded on the student’s “At Risk Assessment and Action Plan” Responded Already? – This will tell you whether or not you have responded on the student’s “At Risk Assessment and Action Plan” Responded Date – This will tell you the date you responded (if any) Responded Date – This will tell you the date you responded (if any)
If another employee has a student’s truancy record locked, their user ID will show in the “In Use By” column. You will not be able to open the student’s truancy record until the record is unlocked. Clicking their user name will send them a reminder to properly log out of the student’s record If a record has been locked for several days, you may contact the “Contact” or “Ability to Refer” employee in your building. They have the ability to unlock the record for you. Click the user’s ID name to send a reminder
Click a student’s name to begin completing the “At Risk Assessment and Action Plan”. This will bring you to the referral screen for the student. Fill out any and all applicable information on the student. Keep in mind that this must be pertinent information to the truancy issues for the student. Put yourself in the shoes of the judge. What information would be helpful in prosecuting a truancy case? For example, personal contact with the parent/guardian regarding truancy and attendance and home life of the student (among other things) would all be pertinent to a truancy case. For example, personal contact with the parent/guardian regarding truancy and attendance and home life of the student (among other things) would all be pertinent to a truancy case. Required fields Employee Type – Select your employee type from the drop down menu. You will not be able to save the record without this information. Employee Type – Select your employee type from the drop down menu. You will not be able to save the record without this information. Does Student need books, clothing, parental care, etc? – This is a state requirement. If you don’t have information on this field, please enter N/A. You will not be able to save the record without this information. Does Student need books, clothing, parental care, etc? – This is a state requirement. If you don’t have information on this field, please enter N/A. You will not be able to save the record without this information.
The “Student Information” and “Guardian Information” sections are minimized by default. Click the “MORE INFO” link to see the hidden information.
Never use your “Back” button at the top of your the web browser. Always use the “Back” or “Save” buttons within the Referral page when maneuvering in the system. If these buttons are not used, it will LOCK the record which prevents others from accessing it. Back – This button should be used when you have NOT entered information or you have entered information that you do not wish to save. Back – This button should be used when you have NOT entered information or you have entered information that you do not wish to save. Save – This button should be used when you have entered information on the referral that you wish to save. Save – This button should be used when you have entered information on the referral that you wish to save.
If you do not check the “I have completed my input for this referral” checkbox, it will not notify your school contact that you have completed entering information on the student’s Truancy Referral. Please make sure you check the checkbox once you are finished entering all pertinent information on the student.
The End Please contact your “Contact” or “Ability to Refer” staff member with questions.