Welcome to STHM! Freshman Orientation Fall 2011
Student Services and Achieving Success
Important Temple University Resources Disability Services 100 Ritter Annex Tuttleman Counseling Services 1810 Liacouras Walk The Career Center 220 Mitten Hall International Programs - Study Abroad International Programs - Study Abroad 200 Tuttleman Learning Center Russell Conwell Center - online workshops Russell Conwell Center - online workshops 1710 N. Broad, 2 nd Floor The Writing Center 201 Tuttleman Learning Center The Math and Science Center The Math and Science Center 1810 Liacouras Walk, Room 201 Activities
Some Rules to note: University & STHM Policies Students should be aware that all policies, Gen Ed curriculum information, minor and certificate information, and so much more is found in the Undergraduate Bulletin.Undergraduate Bulletin Highlighted policies/rules Students must earn at least a C- (1.67) in classes to fulfill all university and major requirements. Minimum GPA to graduate: 2.0 overall, 2.0 in major Academic Standing - Warning, Probation, Dismissal Academic Standing Repeat courses Taking courses at another university/college STHM’s Doctrine of ResponsibilityDoctrine of Responsibility
Student Services Mission: To encourage a collaborative relationship between advisor and student, ultimately empowering the student to make sound and responsible decisions concerning his or her education. STHM Student Services maintains current, updated web resources. Students are advised to use these pages to find information, resources, and answers (Scholarships, Academic Success resources, Advising, Student Organizations, Curriculum/Check sheets, etc) The STHM Current Students webpagesSTHM Current Students The “STHM Undergraduate Community” found on Blackboard (in the “My Organizations” section)
Advising Services STHM Student Services provides advising to all STHM students in three ways: Schedule an Appointment Online Appointments can be made with advising staff, Janet Distel and Jarvis Bailey. Choose and schedule your appointment on: STHM Current Students PageSTHM Current Students Page Walk in Advising Walk in advising gives students the opportunity to see an advisor, without an appointment, for up to 10 minutes. A chance to ask those “quick questions!” Walk in advising hours occur two days each week during fall and spring semesters. (Hours are posted each semester on Blackboard “STHM Undergraduate Community”) Note: Students who know they will need more than a 10 minute period are advised to schedule a regular appointment Group Advising Important curriculum updates, policy changes, STHM opportunities, etc are presented Attendance is mandatory! Students must attend one session in fall & one session in spring Several sessions offered multiple days and times each fall and each spring before the priority registration period begins
Academic opportunities Study Abroad STHM students are encouraged to consider study abroad opportunities! For general study abroad opportunities, go to International Programs at 200 Tuttleman Learning CenterInternational Programs For information about studying at THM exchange schools (Modul in Vienna, University of Vienna), see Janet Distel Completing requirements Approved study abroad programs fulfill Global/World Society (GG) requirement (see an advisor for more details) Note that Internship I and II can be completed abroad as well Temple Honors programHonors program Diamond Research Scholars
Being a Successful Student Read & understand Temple and STHM requirements & policies Consult and collaborate with Student Services and the CSPD Become involved in your professional and academic development Student Organizations, CSPD events, & Executive in Residence Programs Student OrganizationsCSPD eventsExecutive in Residence Programs Advising services, scholarships, leadership opportunities through student groups, academic support services at Temple Advising services Check the Blackboard “STHM Undergraduate Community” daily! Important Announcements, scholarship information, links to tutoring and other academic success resources, etc Read all s from STHM Student Services and STHM CSPD
Center for Student Professional Development
Staff Rick Ridall Assistant Professor, Sport and Recreation Management Director, Center for Student Professional Development Phone: Center for Student Professional Development Brandon Mayer Assistant Director, Center for Student Professional Development Phone: Speakman Hall – Suite 108
Overview Center for Student Professional Development Speakman Hall – Suite 108 Junior Internship Senior Internship Internship Program Internship Opportunities Industry Related Hours Part-time Job Opportunities STHM erecruiting Industry coming to campus to hire you for internships and careers! Recruiting
Overview Center for Student Professional Development Speakman Hall – Suite 108 Workshops designed to inform students and enhance their professional skills in areas such as social networking, resumes, networking, etc. Professional Development Discuss future career plans. Career Advising Industry related magazines, trade publications, etc. available to review. Listing of professional organizations in industries to join Industry Information
School of Tourism & Hospitality Management Student Association
Focus Easy transition for Freshmen and Transfer students into STHM Learn about Student Professional Organizations Social events/ gatherings to get to know your peers better Fun workshops!
STHM Student Organizations and Student Professional Organizations Tourism and Hospitality HSMAI NSMH AHLA PCMA MPI Sport and Recreation SRPA ATTA SMSA SMAT
Social Events and Gatherings Cupcake Socials SPO Meet and Greet Cheer on the Owls together as STHM SA Class of 2015!
Workshops What is Networking? Career Day Tips Leadership Trainings Casual vs. Business Attire
Your Executive Board President- Dana Trump Vice- President- Lindsay McLeod Social Chair- Thao Nguyen Marking Chairs- Marissa Emmons Julene Craley
Add us on Facebook Now!
Join the Student Association! Have fun and learn about STHM and all the opportunities it has to offer at the same time Have the best first year and experience all because of STHMSA! Please us if you have any questions;
The Curriculum and Registration
Understanding the Curriculum & Requirements Curriculum requirements are found on DARS, the Degree Audit Reporting System (The same curriculum requirements you see in DARS are reflected in the STHM check sheets and 8 semester plans)DARSSTHM check sheets and 8 semester plans DARS: Is the official record of degree requirements and is used for graduation clearances Should be referred to every semester and before each advising appointment Indicates GPA, total credits completed and needed, course choices, university and major requirements, minor requirements (if the student has declared the minor)
Pre- and Co-Requisites Pre-requisites and Co-requisites If a course has a pre-req, students are not allowed to proceed with the next course until they complete the pre-req (earning the minimum grade required) How do you know if a class has a pre- or co-requisite? Noted in the course description If an STHM class, pre and co reqs are noted on your STHM Check sheet Some specifics to note: GW (Analytic Reading and Writing) before Mosaics I and II Mosaics I (GY) before Mosaics II (GZ) Complete all THM 1000 & 2000 courses before Internship I Complete all coursework before taking Internship II Must have at least 250 diverse Industry-related hours completed to be eligible to take THM 4112, Senior Seminar
Concentrations STHM offers a variety of concentrations so STHM students can focus on specific areas of learning within their major Appears on Transcript Earning Must choose your major electives from the chosen area of concentration, complete the related capstone course, and complete Internship II in a placement related to the concentration When and How to declare Recommended that you declare in sophomore year Declare online on the STHM Student Services pageSTHM Student Services page
Minors & Certificates at Temple Earning a minor or certificate uses your Free Electives strategically. Minors & Certificates – can be… Connected to career goals to enhance marketability if chosen strategically Recommended: Business or General Business Minor, MIS Certificate, Geography and Urban Studies certificate or minorBusiness or General BusinessMIS CertificateGeography and Urban Studies Connected to personal areas of interest and be focused on any subject (languages, history, etc…) Exploring all of the options Departmental websites Undergraduate Bulletin
How many credits per semester? Refer to the STHM 8 semester plan to see recommended credit load each termSTHM 8 semester plan Fulltime = at least 12 credits Students can take anywhere between credits and be charged at regular full time student tuition rate Students who want to take more than 17 credits in a semester should see an advisor regarding their graduation plan. Note that registering for 18 (or more) credits incurs additional tuition charges. (Tuition rate information can be found on the Bursar’s Office page)Bursar’s Office page
How to register Choose your classes following the STHM 8 semester plan and referring to DARS for requirements yet to be completed. These are your tools to use!STHM 8 semester plan If you are going to declare a minor or certificate you will likely need to adjust the prescribed 8 semester plan; consult an advisor! Students register in a system called Self Service Banner, accessed on the TU Portal Using Banner