DC CAS-Alt Portfolio Review | February 25, 2015 DC Comprehensive Assessment System – Alternate (DC CAS-Alt) Science Portfolio Welcome Return Shipping Training February 25, 2015
Portfolio Shipping Procedures DC CAS-Alt Science Portfolio Components and Shipping Procedures WebEx February
3 Pearson will provide materials needed to submit the completed portfolios. Return Shipping Instructions DC CAS-Alt Science Class Roster Pre-printed Student Identification labels 14” X 19” White security envelope Pre-paid UPS Freight labels Material Return Labels (Red) Box(s)- Save and Re-Use the box from this shipment. Materials were shipped to each participating school Materials should arrive prior to Friday, March 6 th, Shipping Materials
DC CAS-Alt Science Portfolio Components and Shipping Procedures WebEx February Verify that each student portfolio binder contains the required components Table of Contents Learner Characteristics Inventory Parent Validation Administrator Validation Parent Permission for Photo/Video 3 Entries for Science (grades 5, 8, and 10 only)
DC CAS-Alt Science Portfolio Components and Shipping Procedures WebEx February Locate the pre-identification labels provided in the Return Material Shipment. 4 labels per student. Apply 1 label to the spine of the 3-ring binder. Apply 1 label to a white security envelope. Apply 1 label to the Table of Contents. Apply 1 label to the LCI worksheet. Student Pre-Identification Labels NAME XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX SCHOOL XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX GRADE XX SSID XXXXXXXXX
6 Placing Student Portfolio in the White Security Envelope Verify that the information on the pre-identification label on the outside of the portfolio matches the student evidence within the portfolio. Verify that the pre-identification label on the security envelope matches the pre-identification label on the portfolio. Insert the portfolio into the bag, open end first. Remove the tape strip and seal bag closed. DC CAS-Alt Science Portfolio Components and Shipping Procedures WebEx February 2015
7 Packing Portfolios for Shipping Locate the remaining items from the materials shipment. Pre-paid UPS Freight labels Material Return labels (red) Boxes 1 red Material Return label and 1 Pre-paid UPS Freight label is needed for each box being shipped. If materials are missing, or if additional materials are needed, please contact Pearson for additional supplies.
DC CAS-Alt Science Portfolio Components and Shipping Procedures WebEx February Packing for Shipping (continued) Prior to packing the portfolios, sort the portfolios by grade levels. Place portfolios flat into the box, alternating the spines, keeping grade levels together, until box is full. Box 1 of 3 Open End of Grade 3 Portfolio Spine of Grade 3 Portfolio Spine of Grade 4 Portfolio Open End of Grade 4 Portfolio Separator Sheet
DC CAS-Alt Science Portfolio Components and Shipping Procedures WebEx February Packing for Shipping (continued) Red Material Return labels are provided to assist tracking material from each participating school Identifies how many portfolios are packed into each box Indicates how many boxes of student portfolios will be shipped from each school 1 label per box shipped
DC CAS-Alt Science Portfolio Components and Shipping Procedures WebEx February Packing for Shipping (continued) Pre-paid UPS Freight labels will be provided to return the portfolios for scoring 1 label per box Place UPS label on box next to the Material Return label Contact UPS to arrange your pick-up UPS Ph.#: Tell agent that you scheduling a pick- up for Pearson Education – Provide account # from bottom of label. – Physical location of packages for pick-up – Number of boxes to be picked up Save the UPS Tracking Number for your records.
DC CAS-Alt Science Portfolio Components and Shipping Procedures WebEx February DC CAS-Alt Timelines: March - April 2015 March 6Last day to collect portfolio data March 9-13Portfolios boxed and shipped (UPS) March 13Last date for portfolio pick up March 30–April 3Portfolio Scoring
DC CAS-Alt Science Portfolio Components and Shipping Procedures WebEx February For more information Local Contacts: Your DC CAS-Alt Building Coordinator Your LEA DC CAS-Alt Coordinator OSSE Contact: Imani Stutely Assessment Specialist Pearson Contact: Bruce Murphy Senior Project Manager Washington DC CAS-Alt Science Toll Free: Ext