11 Welcome To Understanding Save the Children Insert date and location
22 What’s the course for? Tell you a bit about Save the Children Help you understand our vision, mission & values Explain your role in relation to the whole of Save the Children’s work Get to know other people from around the organisation
33 The plan for today Who we are and what we do Our history and our future What do we do and how do we do it How do we say who we are How we raise money Systems, Policies and Procedures
4 “We cannot leave defenceless children anywhere exposed to ruin – moral or physical……..In this respect it is essential that we should put the world in order, and put it in order without delay.” Eglantyne Jebb
5 Our vision We look forward to a world: that respects and values each child that listens to children and learns, and where all children have hope and opportunity.
6 Our mission Save the Children fights for children’s rights. We deliver immediate and lasting improvement to children’s lives worldwide.
77 Our values We’re outraged by child exploitation, neglect and suffering. We demand justice for the world’s poorest and most vulnerable children.
88 Our values We’re ambitious about achieving dramatic change for children, and we’re determined to deliver it. We never give in to those who think big changes are impossible.
99 Our values We’re creative. We’re always looking for new and better ways to help children, drawing on different perspectives and experiences around the world – especially those of children themselves. We’re not afraid to provoke and surprise people if it gets the job done.
10 Our values We keep our promises to children, to our supporters and partners, and to each other. We work hard to earn their trust, and we take responsibility for everything we say and do.
11 Our history Founded in 1919 by Eglantyne Jebb
12 Our history Since 1919 we’ve made big breakthroughs for children’s rights, in the UK and internationally Can you match the breakthrough with the decade?
13 what do we do - and how we do it
14 The team 400 London paid staff 150 UK paid staff 4500 Globally paid staff 20,000+ Volunteers
15 Areas we’re focusing on Health Freedom from hunger Education Protection Access to quality local health services Local safety nets to reduce malnutrition Access and completion of quality, inclusive basic education Access to quality local and national protection systems
16 Social protection programmes Good governance Climate Change Economic growth Cross-cutting issues
17 Fragil e Poorest Transition Developed (UK) Where we work Our country portfolio will evolve over next 5-10 years to give a spread across all 4 key stages of development.
18 Example of our work
19 An International Alliance
20 Together we can achieve greater impact for children
21 Annual Members Meeting Comprises representatives from all 25 Alliance Members and the 3 Associates Elects Alliance Board Alliance Board (10 board members) Comprises a nominee of 7 Members (Norway, Sweden, UK and US** + 3 smaller Members***) + Chair of the Alliance + 2 independent directors Secretariat 30 people in London, including Secretary General and Key Challenge Directors 7 CEOs (in some circumstances, the chair) Respective Boards of the 27 Members Australia Canada DenmarkDom.Rep FijiFinland Germany Guatemala Honduras IcelandIndia Italy JapanJordanLithuaniaMexico Netherlands NZealandNorwayRomaniaS. KoreaSpainSwazilandSweden SwitzerlandUK US * Representatives of Germany, India and Switzerland attend the Annual Members Meeting but are not entitled to vote. ** And any other Member responsible for more than 5% of the Alliance budget. Currently only the four mentioned above *** Smaller Members are those contributing to less than 5% of the Alliance budget. Their Board nominees are elected by the Members representing <5%. Stronger Members team Rewrite the Future Team UP Team Support Team 28 representatives* Hong Kong
22 Where Unified Presence can take us – from this.... Programme area #2 Member # 1 Member # 2 Member # 3 Member # 4 Member # 5 Programme # 4 Programme # 3 Programme # 9 Program Country IMPACT FOR CHILDREN Programme area #1 Programme # 2 Programme # 6 Programme # 1 Programme # 5 Programme area #3 Programme #8 Programme # 7 In-country Agencies Office #1 Office #3 Office #2
23....to this Member # 1 Member # 2 Member # 3 Member # 4 Member # 5 Integrated Programme # 1/2 Programme # 4 Integrated Programme # 5/6 Integrated Programme # 7/8 Programme # 3 Programme # 9 Program Country IMPACT FOR CHILDREN In-country Agencies Single Message Unified office
25 Change for Children
26 Our ten year ambition - breakthroughs for children Fewer children die needlessly Children caught up in a crisis can expect to get a basic education Orphans and other children at risk are less likely to be put institutions The most marginalised and poorest children in the UK are served properly by government programmes Children and their carers are able to hold agencies to account
27 Our ten year ambition Children are central A great place to work Communicating for results Growth and impact Innovative connections A powerful global Alliance (how we’ll achieve those breakthroughs)
28 Our three year plan Focus our programmes and boost emergencies capability Meaningfully involve children Lay the foundations to increase income dramatically Manage our finances strategically Strengthen and support our workforce Inspire more support Continue to build a powerful Alliance Improve our systems So what does that mean for you?
29 Where we are one year on…
How do we say who we are?
31 This is a summary of what we stand for Challenging injustice, inspiring change for children
32 Communicating externally We’re the world’s independent children’s rights organisation. We’re outraged that millions of children are still denied proper healthcare, food, education and protection and we’re determined to change that. Save the Children UK is a member of the International Save the Children Alliance, transforming children’s lives in more than 100 countries.
How do we raise money?
34 “Save the Children will take the lead in making many of the problems children face today a thing of the past” Jasmine Whitbread
35 Saving Children Having the biggest impact on beneficiaries i.e. CHILDREN Raising the money to make that possible Charities have two inter-dependant parts:
36 Fundraising context 1) Cancer Research UK (£297m) 6) Macmillan (£91m) 2) Oxfam (£176m) 7) NSPCC (£90m) 3) British Red Cross (£115m) 8) Christian Aid (£89m) 4) RNLI (£108m) 9) RSPCA (88m) 5) Save the Children (£95.8m) 10) Salvation Army (£87m) 54% of the British population give to charity every month 48% of men give to charity and 59% of women We are ranked 5th out of 190,000 UK charities (by voluntary income)
37 The Fundraising challenge YEAR INCOME
38 How we fundraise Individuals Legacies Corporates Trusts Major Donors Community Retail Innovation
39 Total raised last year £69,765,526
40 Systems, Policies & Procedures
41 safeguarding policy it recognises and raises awareness clarifies responsibilities places mandatory reporting requirement on us Child Safeguarding Policy defines expectations regarding our behaviour THE CHILD must be in a position to earn a livelihood and must be protected against every form of exploitation. Taken from the Declaration of the Rights of the Child (1923)
42 safeguarding policy children are protected staff are protected Save the Children is protected Where can I learn more: E-learning module one day workshop
43 code of conduct key elements introductory statement protection of children protection of self & others reporting incidents & concerns respect for others personal & professional conduct protection of assets & resources
44 induction - next steps debrief with line manager and explore next steps use performance management form core training programme areas you must cover: - Child rights -Child participation -Safeguarding children -Code of Conduct -Diversity & cultural awareness -HIV and AIDS awareness -People and Performance Management