Safeguarding Disabled Children Yasmin Kovic & David Miller
Safeguarding Disabled Children Disabled children 3.4 times more likely to be abused 3.8 neglect 3.8 physical abuse 3.1 sexual abuse 3.9 emotional abuse Sullivan and Knutson (2000)
Safeguarding Disabled Children 45.8% of deaf girls and 42.4% deaf boys exposed to unwanted sexual experiences Involved physical contact more than twice as often for girls and three times boys compared to hearing children 49% didn’t tell. 11% were not believed Kvam (2004)
Safeguarding Disabled Children ‘The available UK evidence…..suggests that disabled children are at increased risk of abuse and that the presence of multiple disabilities appears to increase the risk of both abuse and neglect’ Working Together to Safeguard Children: HM Government (2006)
Safeguarding Disabled Children ‘Disabled children are more likely to experience abuse than non-disabled children. Children living away from home are particularly vulnerable’ National Service Framework for Children, Young People and Maternity Services: Dept of Health (2004)
Safeguarding Disabled Children Disabled children living away from home are extremely vulnerable to abuse of all kinds, including peer abuse, and high priority needs to be given to protecting them People like us: The report of the review of the safeguards for children living away from home: Utting, W (1997)
Safeguarding Disabled Children Disabled children remain vulnerable, particularly in health settings … when children in hospital for 3 months and in residential schools with 52 week provision Progress on safeguards for children living away from home: Stuart and Baines (2004)
Safeguarding Disabled Children ‘Insufficient priority is given to the safeguarding needs of some groups of children, including children with disabilities’ Safeguarding children: The second joint Chief Inspectors’ Report on Arrangements to Safeguard Children: CSCI, Ofsted, HMJCA, HMiP, HMIC, HM Inspectorate of Prisons, Healthcare Commission, HMcpsi (2005)
Disabled children at risk ‘Disabled children are often in the poorest families and face real barriers to full participation and attainment.’ Every Parent Matters Department for Education and Skills (2007)
Vulnerability attitudes and assumptions service provision impairment
Barriers in the Child Protection System All stages of the child protection process: Recognition Referral Investigation Protection Criminal justice
Safeguarding Disabled Children Society level: Shift in values, attitudes and awareness so that disabled children are valued Individuals recognise individual responsibility and act Safeguarding becomes a priority
Safeguarding Disabled Children Community level: Supportive, safe and empowering environments Consultation with disabled people Accessible information Accessible and flexible support systems Effective safeguarding policies
Safeguarding Disabled Children Carer level: Communication Consultation Early and comprehensive assessments Co-ordinated support Training and awareness
Safeguarding Disabled Children Individual level: Empowering disabled children in their daily lives. Developing communication vocabulary Sex education and safety and awareness work
National Developments National Service Framework (2004) Every Child Matters and Children Act (2004) Working together (2006) Resource for LSCBs (2006) Disability Discrimination Act (2005)
Recommendations of the National Working Group Consultation review of policies and procedures data gathering and analysis training resources child protection responsibilities placements therapeutic support advice and assistance review
Deaf Children and their Families 95 percent of deaf born into hearing families Communications issues (exercise) Living on the peripheral
Safeguarding Deaf Children and Young People Project Joint NSPCC and NDCS project Safeguarding Deaf Children Group Increased risk deaf children to abuse Safety and awareness group work programme
Group work pilots 3 schools, 8 groups BSL, total communication, oral Primary and secondary Regional variation
Aims Provide children with knowledge, awareness, information and language to: Keep safe Make more informed choices Strengthen identity, self confidence and self-esteem Explore and understand experiences
Topic areas Feelings Relationships Differences Bullying Growing up, including sex education Personal safety in the home Personal safety outside the home Road safety Safety using the internet / mobile phones Someone to turn to
Examples of storyboards Feelings
Some findings and outcomes of the pilot group work programmes The children and young people: Lacked the appropriate language, vocabulary and awareness to be able to communicate abuse – including post 16 plus Had very limited (or no) knowledge of sex education Had poor self esteem and self confidence - particularly yrs Were less likely to discuss with adults bullying or differences and were more likely to discuss feelings
Findings and outcomes (cont.) Deaf children of deaf parents had a stronger sense of deaf identity Professionals lacked confidence and knowledge to deliver the programme Referrals were made to Social Care & Health Several disclosures were made during the piloting Links were made to therapeutic services Professionals learnt new information about the children and young people