Me llamo _________ Clase 9 N La fecha es el 2 de diciembre del 2011 Propósito # 24: ¿Cómo practicamos mas con los artículos? Actividad Inicial: Copy and complete with the correct ARTICULO INDEFINIDO 1.____ carpeta 2.____ cuadernos 3.____ curso 4.____ paginas
Adjetivos (Adjectives) An adjective describes or modifies a noun. In Spanish the adjective must agree in GENDER and NUMBER with the noun it modifies or describes. GENDER= NUMBER= masculine or feminine singular or plural
Adjectives that end in –O/-A Singular: 1.El muchacho bajO. 2.La muchacha bajA. Plural: 1._____ muchach___ baj____. 2._____ muchach___ baj____. LososOS LasasAS
Adjectives that end in –E Singular: 1.El curso interesantE. 2.La materia interesantE. Plural: 1._____ curs___ interesant____. 2._____ materi___ interesant____. So, the only way you know the gender of what an adjective that ends in –E is modifying is by the article its using and by the ending of the noun itself. LososES LasasES
Adjectives that end in a CONSONANT Singular: 1.El libro azuL. 2.La materia dificiL. Plural: 1._____ libr___ azu____. 2._____ materi___ difici____. So, all adjectives that end in CONSONANTS keep the same ending no matter the gender of the noun it is modifying; it must however agree in number. LososLES LasasLES
*NOTE* When the adjective is modifying or describing a group that consists of both masculine and feminine nouns, the adjective ends in the Masculine Form. 1.Juan y Jose son argentin. (Nouns are Masculine & Plural so…adjective is Masculine & Plural) 2.Maria y Teresa son simpatic. (Nouns are Feminine & Plural so…adjective is Feminine & Plural) 3.Teresa y Juan son muy buen. (Nouns are BOTH Masculine/Feminine & Plural so… the adjective is MASCULINE) OS AS OS
Ejercicios: 1.Copia y completa Ejercicio 4 pag Completa Ejercicio 5 pagina 33 3.Copia y completa Ejercicio 6 pagina Finish Classwork 2. Go to QuickPass Web Code: ASD4003c1 Under : Grammar Practice Play: -Articulos y sustantivos eGame & Adjetivos eGame *Quiz NEXT FRIDAY on Articles, nouns & adjectives (pag. 31 & 33 of Text) Tarea # 24: