Creating eBooks Dawn Putney Elizabeth Bennett University of West Georgia COMO 2004, Athens, GA
To Today’s Young Children A Story, A Story; Let It Come, Let It Go From Ancient Storytellers Stories Hold a Special Fascination
Teachers and children have always created and recorded stories Children dictate text Teachers write or type text Children draw pictures
Technology: New options for recording stories created by young children Story writing software programs Storybook Weaver, Max’s Sandbox Regular applications Word Processing (Word) Presentation Software (PowerPoint) Literature endorses using technology for L.A.
Computers as Learning Tools Strengths of hardware Mass storage SPEED! Create and record stories of young children »Pastor & Kerns, 1997 Interactive Learn by doing Effective and appropriate learning tool »Van Scoter, Ellis & Railsback, 2001
Open-ended software (Word or PowerPoint) Encourages: Choices and discoveries Imagination Exploration Problem solving »Van Scoter, Ellis & Railsback, 2001
Advantages of Using Technology Stories can be seen in a professional format Stories can be easily read by others Motivates use of technology Create longer stories Create stories more often Easy to create, revise, edit and add graphics »Guthrie & Richardson, 1995
Curriculum Connections Knowledge and Comprehension goals ABC/number eBooks ABC/number eBooks matching words and objects Application and Analysis goals eBook journals document planting and growth of seeds Synthesis and Evaluation goals eBooks publishing creative writing eBooks documenting project-based learningproject-based learning
Teacher and Student Collaboration Teacher is the key Fluent with technology and the integration of technology in curriculum Model creation and use of eBooks »Thouvenelle & Bewick, 2003
eBook Project Guidelines Direct correlation to curriculum Learning is supported and enhanced Children view technology as integral to instruction Clear, specific instructions and expectations Rubrics reflect content and production criteria Provide technology skills and support for success
Planning – Key to Success Plan and storyboard all projects Simple, linear project storyboard Pictures with script notations Advanced, linear project storyboard Pictures and script Text font Special effects, sounds, animation Transitions Non-linear, branching projects Organizational/Navigational chart Simple or advanced storyboard
Format and Design Strategies Emphasize visual literacy and effective communication principles Matching words and pictures Object orientation and focal points Spatial and size relationships Use visual communication and design rules Appropriate font size, type, color for clarity Uncluttered text layout Contrasting colors for text and background Purposeful animation, sound, and special effects
Limit Choices Encourages focus on contentfocus on content As choices expand children must develop skills to make appropriate choices Easy to read Easy to navigate Meaningful pictures Appropriate use of special effects
Benefits of Creating eBooks Children love to read their own stories Using experiences in and out of the classroom as the content focus of eBooks builds connections between the real world and classroom Creating field trip eBooks captures the experience and allows it to become an object of extended study in the classroom Using technology to create eBooks offers a creative way to actively explore and interact with content
Computer generated stories will never take the place of the beautiful printed books available today but technology allows children to create stories and view and interact with print in new ways. »Eisenwine & Hunt, 2000
References Eisenwine, M. J. & Hunt, D. A. (2000). Using a computer in literacy groups with emergent readers. Reading Teacher, 53 (6), Guthrie, L. F. & Richardson, S. (1995). Language arts: Computer literacy in the primary grades. Educational Leadership, 53 (2), 14. Pastor, E. & Kerns, E. (1997). A digital snapshot of an early childhood classroom. Educational Leadership, 55 (3), Thouvenelle, S. & Bewick, C. J. (2003). Completing the computer puzzle: A guide for early childhood educators. New York, NY: Allyn and Bacon. Van Scoter, J., Ellis, D., & Railsback, J. (2001). Technology in early childhood education: Finding the balance. Portland, OR: Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory.
Creating eBooks Dawn Putney Elizabeth Bennett University of West Georgia Handouts at: COMO 2004, Atlanta GA