“The change starts within all of us. And only ends when all children are free”-Craig Kielburger UNIVERSITY OF ALBERTA’S FREE THE CHILDREN
Five pillars: Education Alternative Income Water Sanitation Health Agriculture and Food Security Globally: raise $8000 to build a school in Sierra Leone Locally: Raise awareness of global issues on campus Water sanitation Preventable diseases ( i.e. malaria / typhoid) Reduce education barriers Empower students to make a change MISSION
48% of children 5 – 14 years of age are involved in child labour 52% of girls aged 5 – 14 are illiterate SIERRA LEONE
FROST GALA January 17 th at Dewey’s Formal event so dress to impress Live bands Guest speakers Week prior to event: snowflake hand outs to compare the ambitions of students across the world to University of Alberta students Snowflakes will then be hung on a tree in Quad FROST GALA
Next meeting is Nov 20 th at 3:30pm CAB 281 Assigning executive roles for sectors of FROST GALA Like us on facebook! University of Alberta Free The Children GENERAL MEETING