The Welfare State. Lesson Objectives I will get the opportunity to develop my understanding of the principles that established the Welfare State. I will.


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Presentation transcript:

The Welfare State

Lesson Objectives I will get the opportunity to develop my understanding of the principles that established the Welfare State. I will get the opportunity to develop my understanding of the “five giants” that the Welfare State would address.

What is a welfare state? ‘Welfare State’ (n) a system where the state provides benefits in such areas as unemployment, medicine, education and housing.

Background to the Welfare State Sir William Beveridge’s report into the Welfare State was published in There was a feeling that the social class unity needed to defeat the Nazis should be used to create a new country, where there was greater equality and the rich made more of a contribution to Government services. This was accepted by all political parties between 1945 to This is known as the “post-war consensus.”

Development of the Welfare State When watching the video clip consider the following questions; 1. What services would the welfare state provide? 2. What was the aim of the NHS? 3. How would freedom from want be achieved? 4. When would people receive social security? Post-WWII Development of British Welfare State

The Five Giants In his report Beveridge identified “five gaints standing in the way of social progress.” A solution was offered for each of the giants. GIANTSOLUTION Want (Poverty)Social security e.g. Jobseekers’ Allowance, sick pay etc. DiseaseThe NHS IgnoranceExpansion of education, particularly of secondary schools. SqualorAdequate housing e.g. investment in social housing. IdlenessFull employment i.e. everyone should have a job.

The Principles of the Welfare State What principles/values do you think the UK needs to have a welfare state? (Think about funding it, who gets help, how much help?) Work in pairs and be ready to feed your answers back to the class.

The Principles of the Welfare State PrinciplePurpose CollectivistThe state would fund the services needed through taxation and National Insurance. UniversalThe services provided for the population would be “free at the point of need.” ComprehensiveThe state would provide for all aspects of need – it would care for the population from “the cradle to the grave.” EqualityEqual provision for all people in all regions.

Is it possible to meet these principles? Reading pages 8 to 10 identify how the principles are met or not met. PrincipleMetNot Met Collectivist Universal Comprehensive Equality

PrincipleMetNot Met CollectivistSocial housing Education “Right to buy” University fees UniversalNHS still largely universal Free education to 16 Child benefit until Apr 2013 Charges for prescriptions (England), dental care and eye care Expansion of means tested benefits introduced by Labour End of universal Child Benefit by Coalition Govt. ComprehensiveThe NHS would care for all aspects of health The new towns The postcode lottery The “Right to Buy” scheme EqualityAcross the country the NHS has attempted to provide more specialised services. Postcode lottery Healthcare rationing Access to drugs/treatment.

Possible Essay Questions The UK’s Welfare State continues to meet its aims. Discuss To what extent are the founding principles of the Welfare State being met?

Conclusion The Welfare State was established in the 1940s. The aim of the Welfare State was to slay the giants of; idleness, want, ignorance, disease and squalor. The Welfare State was found on the principles of; collectivist, universality, comprehensive and equality. These principles still underpin the Welfare State today but are a source of much debate.