AN EVERGREEN STATE WASHINGTON Lilian-Kristina Küüts, Kätlin Mäesalu, Allan Käo Pärnu Ülejõe Gymnasium 2011
Washington State Capital - Olympia Largest cities - Seattle 2.Spokane 3.Tacoma Population - 6,724,540 ml Total Area - 184,827 km 2
The Washington State Capitol the seat of government of the state of Washington The Washington State Legislature Washington Supreme Court Washington Governor's Mansion Christine Gregoire since January 12, 2005 Governor of Washington
Facts The state of Washington is the only state to be named after a United States president. There are 42 WASHINGTON cities and communities in different US states. Seattle has the country's highest percentage rate of residents with a college degree. Washington produces about 42% of the apples grown in the United States.
Washington State Symbols and Emblems Washington's official flag was The state seal was adopted in 1923 designed in 1889 by Charles Talcott
Animal Symbols State bird - Goldfinch State Fish - Steelhead trout State Insect - Green darner dragonfly State Gem - Petrified wood
State Flower – Coast rhododendron State Fruit – Apple State Tree - Western hemlock State Grass - Bluebunch Wheatgrass State Vegetable - Walla Walla Sweet Onion
Mount St. Helens Mount St. Helens takes its English name from the British diplomat Lord St Helens 154 km south of Seattle 2,550 meters high Before the eruption
After the eruption in people were killed 250 homes 47 bridges 24 km of railways 298 km of highway were destroyed
What makes Washington “the Evergreen State”? Washington Oaks Gardens State Park
Fun Facts It is illegal to paint polka dots on the American flag. People cannot buy meat of any kind on Sunday. It is against the law to spit on a bus. In Washington, you may not buy a mattress on Sunday. In Wilbur, it is against the law to ride an ugly horse.
Fun Facts In Seattle, it is against the law to carry a concealed weapon that is over six feet in length. In Seattle it is illegal to carry a fishbowl or aquarium onto a bus because the sound of the water sloshing may disturb other passengers. In Spokane, it is against the law to buy a television on Sunday.
Do you remember? What are the capital and the biggest city of the Washington state? What is the Washington state vegetable and where does it come from? What happened to Mt. St Helens?
Sources: - accessed accessed accessed accessed accessed mount_st_helens.html - accessed accessed
Sources: hic.htm - accessed accessed ngton_(U.S._state) - accessed accessed Print sources: An Outline of American History United States Department of State. O’Callaghan B An Illustrated History of the USA. Essex, England. Pearson Education Ltd. Raynes, R American Cities. Genoa, Canterbury. Black Cat Publishing.
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