State Funding Administration
History of State Funding for Conservation Districts 1987 State legislature sunset local conservation district state funding and gave authority to Districts to seek up to 1 mill levy $354,000 was received by Districts with a base allocation to each district 1988 WDA and WACD worked on funding package with more accountability built in for state funding Legislature continued to fund Districts $354,000 – this appropriation has continued to date
History (continued) 1990 WDA and local districts established a new state funding process whereby Districts would submit grant proposals for specific projects WACD Board of Directors review and rank proposals. Proposals are then reviewed by the Board of Agriculture Districts can obtain $4000 biennium base appropriation if they meet certain criteria
History (continued) 2005 Based on input from Districts, WACD and WDA developed new criteria for state funding. Also, to lessen the administrative burden the process was modified to a base allocation. Each District is required to meet the criteria in order to receive the appropriation. In addition, Legislature, during the 2006 session increased base funding to $600,000.
History (continued) 2006 The $600,000 appropriation will be divided evenly among the Districts that qualify for state funding. Districts will receive half of the base appropriation in approximately July of each year that they remain compliant with the new state funding requirements.
State Funding Requirements Financial Rules (Adopted 8/2005) Proof of Bonding Letter outlining implementation of Risk Management Practices 2 original signatures on checks Perjury statement on vouchers Bank statement reconciliation by board at least quarterly Authorization to incur debt Districts can’t use debit cards Proof of enrollment in worker’s compensations, unemployment insurance and local government liability insurance Must be submitted to WDA and WACD by August 30
State Funding Requirements Base Allocation Policies (Adopted by Board of Ag 8/2005) Letter of compliance from Department of Audit Proof of Budget Hearing Letter of compliance from Department of Revenue Long Range Plan with public notice pursuant to APA Current Annual Plan of Work, Annual Report and Budget Current Oaths of Office for supervisors Education Function for elected officials Currently have or are actively pursuing local funding One page summary of activities for most recent fiscal year Must be submitted to WACD/WDA by 12/31 each year
State Funding Timeline July Districts complete and adopt annual reports, plans, budgets, etc. December 31 deadline for submittal January/February Even Number Years Wyoming Board of Agriculture reviews and takes final action on the District state base appropriation May/June WDA issues vouchers for state funding July/August WDA sends District appropriation
Water Quality Funding State Appropriation 1998: Received initial appropriation of $367,000 from state legislature 2000: WDA allocated the $367,000 appropriation for water quality 2002: Received appropriation of $675,000 from state legislature 2004: Received appropriation of $675,000 from state legislature 2006: Received appropriation of $675,000 from state legislature
Water Quality Funding Water Quality appropriation by Wyoming state legislature districts are eligible for reimbursement for: Lab analysis Water Quality Training Expenses Equipment maintenance, upgrades and supplies Request for reimbursement must be submitted to WDA
Water Quality Funding (continued) Funds need to be spent prior to end of biennium Questions regarding reimbursable expenses can be directed to Dani at WDA at
Water Quality Grant Funding In addition to the funding for lab analysis, training expenses, and equipment, $250,000 has been targeted toward local Conservation District watershed planning efforts to address impaired and threatened waters on the 303(d) list. Each District is eligible to apply for up to $20,000 per watershed for the biennium.
Water Quality Grant Funding (continued) A request for proposals will be issued by WACD in April. The WACD Board will review and rank proposals. Their recommendations will be submitted to the Board of Ag for final approval. Funding will be available after July 1.
Reporting Upon receiving funding, the District will be required to submit: Interim and final reports for the projects completed. If the project will not be completed within the biennium, an interim report is due by July 31 st each year, until all grant funds are expended and a final report is due at the completion of the project. **These reports will be due to WDA and WACD by July 31 st of each year. If these reports are not submitted by the deadline, the District will not qualify for funding in the next biennium. WDA will send a reminder in May that these reports are due.
Extension/Amendment Requests All extension and amendment requests must be submitted to WDA a minimum of three months prior to the end of the contract date. This will allow adequate time for the WACD Board and Board of Ag to review requests and a revised contract to be issues. If these requests are not submitted three months prior to the end of the contract, the District stands the chance of losing any remaining grant funds.