New York State Education Department P-12: Office of Special Education New York State Career Development and Occupational Studies Commencement Credential New York State Education Department P-12: Office of Special Education October 2013 MODULE 6: Option 2: National Work Readiness Credentials 1
Topics Topics Review of Options 1 and 2 New York Comprehensive Center Research Nationally Recognized Work Readiness Credential: Common Elements Review of each nationally recognized credential Skills Assessed Reading and Math Levels Curriculum/Training Materials Test Administration Costs Unique Features Vendor Considerations Selection of National Credential and Options 1 and 2 Resources *The information provided on the nationally recognized work readiness credentials is based on our review of the credentials. For official information, contact the vendor.
** May not offer Option 2 as only means to earn CDOS Commencement Credential. s credentials Option 1 Complete a Career Plan Demonstrate achievement of the commencement level CDOS learning standards Successfully completes 216 hours of participation in CTE coursework and/or work-based learning experiences at least 54 hours must be in work-based learning experiences Has a completed Employability Profile Option 2** Meets the requirements for one of the nationally recognized work readiness credentials, including but not limited to: National Work Readiness Credential (NWRC); National Career Readiness Certificate (NCRC): WorkKeys; SkillsUSA Work Force Ready Employability Assessment; and Comprehensive Adult Student Assessment Systems (CASAS) Workforce Skills Certification System (WSCS)
New York Comprehensive Center (NYCC) Research Literature Review Interviews Districts and BOCES personnel Institutes of Higher Education New York State Trade and Industry Advisories Other States National Credential Vendors
Common Elements Each of the 4 National Work Readiness Credentials: Signal readiness for entry-level employment; Developed in collaboration with business and industry experts and educators; Measure slightly different skills; Provide common language for describing basic job skills; Require students to pass assessments; Allows accommodations for individuals with disabilities; Meets industry standards for validity and reliability; and Has associated costs.
National Work Readiness Credential (NWRC) Skills Assessed Listening, reading with understanding, using math to solve problems, cooperating with others, resolving conflict and negotiating, taking responsibility for learning and critical observation Reading and Math Levels Reading: 7th - 8th grade Math: 7th - 8th grade Curriculum/Training Materials Guide for Trainers and Instructors Work Readiness Credential Candidate Handbook Sample tests
National Work Readiness Credential (NWRC) Test Administration Web-based Wide range of sites 4 modules completed within one year Pass/Needs More Skill Development Multiple choice Costs Approximately $75.00 for all 4 assessments $18.00 test retake fee for each assessment Unique Features Lead agency: New York State Department of Labor (NYS DOL) Assessment Vendor Houghton Mifflin Harcourt's Steck-Vaughn 1-800-225-5425
Reading and Math Levels Skills Assessed Skill Connect™ Assessments Technical skills and knowledge in more than 44 trade, industrial and technical areas 47 different assessments Workforce Ready System® General employability skills assessment Reading and Math Levels Reading - 8th grade Math - grades 6th through 8th (depending on specific career assessment). Curriculum/Training Materials Blueprint of Competencies for each career area Professional Development Program CareerSafe®
Vendor Test Administration On-line assessment May be administered at school Must be proctored No time limit Costs Non SkillsUSA members: $20.00 per assessment Member schools: $10.00 discount per student SkillsUSA/Print-Ed: $10.00 per assessment Unique Features Assesses career specific and general employability skills Demonstration questions NYS registered CTE programs Vendor SkillsUSA 1-866-444-7779
National Career Readiness Certificate (NCRC) Skills Assessed NCRC - WorkKeys Reading for Information Applied Mathematics Locating Information NCRC Plus Soft Skills Reading and Math Levels Reading: 8th grade through high school Math: 5th grade through high school Curriculum/Training Materials KeyTrain Career Ready 101 KeyTrain CAREER SKILLS
National Career Readiness Certificate (NCRC) Test Administration Licensed test sites only: schools may be licensed Costs 3 assessments: each costs $5.50 per person Certificate cost: additional $5.50 per person Licensed Test Site: $100 Membership Unique Features Results include four levels of performance (bronze, silver gold and platinum) Levels equate to qualifications for specific jobs Vendor ACT, Inc. 1-800-967-5539
Workforce Skills Certification System (WSCS) Skills Assessed Applied mathematics and reading Critical thinking and problem solving Work place behaviors Reading and Math Levels CASAS Competencies and CASAS Content Standards Relevant across full range of instructional levels: beginning literacy through high school Curriculum/Training Materials No single curriculum Database (QuickSearch) of over 2,300 commercially-available print, audio, visual, and computer-based instructional materials
Test Administration Computer delivered Multiple choice, written responses and video simulations Administered at local, regional or state levels Costs Approximately $45 per candidate Vary by number and type of tests Additional start-up and software costs Unique Features Additional Skill Building Resources and Assessments Vendor Comprehensive Adult Student Assessment Systems (CASAS) 1-800-255-1036; and Learning Resources, Inc. (LRI) 1-203-637-5047
Resources and/or curriculum to support instruction Assessment site Considerations: Selecting Nationally Recognized Work Readiness Credential Resources and/or curriculum to support instruction Assessment site Flexibility and ease of administration Obtain additional information Cost verification and negotiation Build capacity One or more nationally recognized credentials Offer Options 1 and 2
Considerations: Options 1 and 2 Career planning Transition planning and services Career-related instruction and workforce expectations Opportunity for high school diploma Parent and student knowledge of CDOS Credential Instruction-Using CDOS credential in job search Objective assessment of student skills Implement with fidelity
National Work Readiness Credential (NWRC) Resources National Work Readiness Credential (NWRC) NYS Assessment Sites: Becoming an Assessment Site: NYSDOL: (888-469-7365) National Career Readiness Certificate: WorkKeys Employers Recognizing WorkKeys
SkillsUSA Work Force Ready System and Employability Assessment Resources SkillsUSA Work Force Ready System and Employability Assessment Blueprints Comprehensive Adult Student Assessment Systems (CASAS) Workforce Skills Certification System (WSCS) Work Related Competencies CASAS Competencies CASAS Basic Skills Content Standards
Technical Assistance June 2013 Field Memorandum: NYS Career Development and Occupational Studies Commencement Credential Questions: email P-12: Office of Special Education: Diploma and Nondiploma Exiting Credentials Special Education Policy (518) 473-2878
Module 2 – Career Plan and CareerZone Webinar Modules Module 1 – Overview Module 2 – Career Plan and CareerZone Module 3 – NYS CDOS Learning Standards Module 4 – CTE Coursework and Work-based Learning Module 5 – Employability Profile Module 6 – National Work Readiness Credentials