The Common Core State Standards in TennesseeThe Common Core State Standards in Tennessee An OverviewAn Overview
What are the Common Core State Standards? Standards: Represent the goal for what students should learn Set expectations for what students should know and be able to do The Common Core State Standards are a set of clear standards for Math and English Language Arts. The standards were developed to ensure every student graduates high school prepared for college or the workforce. 2
Why Common Core? Because the Common Core State Standards emphasize… Real-world skills in math, reading, and writing (including math without calculators and a focus on basic reading skills in early grades) Critical thinking and problem-solving skills Knowledge and skills needed for success in college and careers 3
How were the standards developed? The initiative was state-led, and Tennessee was represented by content experts in math and English language arts from the state department of education. A group of governors from the National Governors Association (NGA) and state commissioners from the Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO) coordinated development. The public provided input before the standards were finalized. Comments from Tennessee teachers and parents were included in the revision process. 4
Standards, not Curriculum Standards versus Curriculum Standards = goals for what students should learn, set by the state Curriculum = the road map for meeting those goals, set by local districts and schools Common Core does not dictate curriculum Districts, schools, and teachers determine the curriculum using textbooks and other resources and materials. In accordance with Tennessee Code , textbook adoption is governed strictly by local school boards. Teachers and central office supervisors make decisions on text selection based on knowledge of their students, student interest, and judgment of appropriate content. 5
Common Core in the Classroom Implementation began for math and English language arts in : Teachers in kindergarten through second grade begin using the standards : Teachers in third grade through eighth grade begin using the standards for math : Teachers in third grade through twelfth grade begin using the standards for English language arts; teachers in ninth grade through twelfth grade begin using the standards for math Teachers from across Tennessee have received training in the Common Core State Standards. Spring/Summer 2012: more than 13,000 teachers Summer 2013: more than 29,000 teachers 6
How will we know what students are learning? Tennessee will begin administering a new test in the school year called PARCC. PARCC will replace the current TCAP tests for ELA and Math in grades 3-8 and high school. The new test, called the Partnership for the Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC), is designed to: Build a pathway to college and career readiness for all students Create high-quality assessments that measure the full range of Common Core State Standards Support educators in the classroom Make better use of technology in assessments Advance accountability at all levels 7
The PARCC test will… Be administered online in order to: Increase flexibility for question types, such as student-supplied answers and drag-and-drop Reflect the nature of college and career work Return results to parents and teachers more quickly Begin in the school year Replace TCAP in math, reading, and writing in grades Science and social studies will continue being assessed through TCAP 8
Data Collection TN has collected student information through TCAP in accordance with state and federal law. New assessments will not change this process. The federal government does not have access to student-level information housed in state data systems. The Common Core State Standards are not a tool for data collection. State implementation of the Common Core State Standards and their related assessments do not require additional data collection beyond what is authorized by current federal law. 9
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