STATE FLAG Though flags similar to Virginia's current flag had flown in the State since the 1830s, Virginia did not adopt an official flag until after it had seceded from the Union in The Flag of the Commonwealth was adopted on April 30, 1861 almost two weeks after Virginia voted, on April 17, 1861, to repeal its 1788 ratification of the Constitution of the United States. The Virginia Flag of the Commonwealth displays the State Seal of Virginia centered on a blue field (background).
STATE TREE The dogwood was adopted as the state tree on February 24, The dogwood is well distributed throughout the Commonwealth, and its beauty is symbolic of the many attractive features of Virginia. The dogwood blooms in early spring and its blossom is a tiny cluster of flowers surrounded by four white leaves that look like petals. In 1918, the state floral emblem commonly known as the America dogwood Cornus Florida was adopted. It was selected to foster a feeling of pride in our state and to stimulate an interest in the history and traditions of the Commonwealth.
STATE BIRD Virginia designated the northern cardinal (Cardinalis cardinalis) as official state bird in One of America's favorite backyard birds, cardinals are distinctive in appearance and song - known for their "cheer cheer cheer," "whit-chew whit-chew" and "purty purty purty" whistles. Male cardinals are a brilliant scarlet red, females a buffy brown with reddish wings - both have a jet -black mask, pronounced crest, and heavy bill. The cardinal sings nearly year-round, and the male aggressively defends his 4- acre territory (male cardinals have been seen attacking small red objects mistaken as other males).
STATE FLOWER A dogwood is any of the species of shrubs or trees that belong to the family Cornaceae. Dogwoods are deciduous, in the sense that they lose their flowers some time of the year. They are woody plants, in the sense that they have a vessel that transports water and nutrients to all parts of the plants, they have a perennial stem, and they have a thick bark, all factors that ensure growth from year to year in spite of seasonal changes
STATE FISH The beautiful brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) was designated official state fish of Virginia in 1993 Brook Trout live under water conditions that are cool, clean and pure. Also called speckled trout, the brook trout can be found in Virginia's brooks, lakes and streams. Though small, brook trout are a prized game fish with a long history of fishing lore.
STATE FRUIT West Virginia designated the apple as the official state fruit in 1972 and then amended the resolution in 1995 to specify the golden delicious apple.
STATE INSECT In 1976, a bill was introduced to adopt a Chinese mantid as Virginia's official state insect. Entomologist Michael Kosztarab (Founding Director of the Virginia Museum of Natural History at Virginia Tech) countered by proposing a native species, the tiger swallowtail butterfly, (Papilio glaucous Linne.) The Senate chose the tiger swallowtail, but the House sided with the praying mantis, and the butterfly bill fluttered to the floor in a deadlock.