Jerry and Corinne Shaw ASU, Nov. 21, 2014
Arizona Space Grant Consortium Affiliates Meeting Arizona State University Interdisciplinary Science/Technology Building Arizona State University – Tom Sharp Northern Arizona University – Nadine Barlow Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University – Gary Yale/Ron Madler University of Arizona – Chandra Holifield Collins AFFILIATES Arizona Near Space Research – Jack Crabtree South Mountain Community College – Tim Frank Glendale Community College – William Stein Mt. Lemmon Sky Center – Alan Strauss Flandrau Science Center and Planetarium – Bill Plant Biosphere 2 – Bill Plant Prescott Astronomy Club - Jerry & Corinne Shaw Hungry Planets – Mike Munday Tohono O’odham Community College – Casey Kahn-Thornbrugh Dine College – Ivan Rivera-Torres Rincon Research – Mike Parker Iridium Satellite – Joel Rademacher Orbital Sciences - Krzysztof Pennar
Arizona Space Grant Consortium Affiliates Meeting Arizona State University Interdisciplinary Science/Technology Building GOAL – Engage prominent and diverse partners to lead high quality education, research and outreach programs that provide Arizonans opportunities to learn about and engage in NASA’s mission and research, while benefitting our state’s research enterprise and educating America’s future STEM workforce.
Sci-Tech – Prescott 150th Celebration Partners: Prescott Children’s Museum Alliance, Inc. and STEM-A The Prescott Astronomy Club Participated in the New West Section of the celebration
Sci-Tech Sci-Tech – Prescott 150th Celebration Viewing the Sun through a variety of media
International SUN-Day Charlie Bates Solar Astronomy Project Celebrating our closest star
International SUN-Day NASA NightSky Education kits
Great Outdoors Watson Lake
How much do you weigh on other planets? Moon globe
Great Outdoors Watson Lake Club members provided telescopes for solar viewing and a night star party
Club-Scheduled Public Star Party Locations - Prescott and Prescott Valley
Highland Center Talk & Star Party Programs begin with an educational presentation, followed by a night star party
Outreach to Local Schools The NASA NightSky kits are mainly used with elementary, middle, and high school students; presentations average 1,000 students hours per year. Kits with the most use: Our Magnetic Sun, Telescopes, Life in the Universe, Comet Making and Solar Systems. Telescopes as Time Machines also presented yearly at the Grand Canyon Star Party. Marilyn Unruh, PAC
Community-Requested Night Star Parties Community star parties typically begin with an educational presentation, followed by a night star party
Lowell Observatory PAC member Bill McDonald participates in an average of 30 star parties annually
3 rd Thursday Talks Public outreach co-sponsored with the Prescott Library Partners: NASA OSIRIS-Rex, Catalina Sky Survey, Meteor Crater, ERAU, Lowell Observatory, NAU, USGS, Vatican Observatory Foundation Dr. Nadine Barlow, NAU “Impact Craters on Mars” Dr. Ken Herkenhoff, USGS ”Mars Rovers”
Meteor Crater Tour & Public Star Party Club members conduct public star party before night tour of Meteor Crater
Meteor Crater Tour at Night
Stars over Meteor Crater
Meteor Crater by Moon light
Meteor Crater
The Discovery Channel Telescope Tour
The Discovery Channel Telescope Club members look at primary mirror
The Discovery Channel Telescope
Lowell Observatory, Clark Telescope Restoration Club members tour the restoration work being done on the Clark Telescope
Lowell Observatory, Clark Telescope Restoration
Arizona Space Grant Consortium Arizona State University Interdisciplinary Science/Technology Building
Arizona State University Interdisciplinary Science/Technology The Interdisciplinary Science/Technology building is truly amazing
Arizona State University Interdisciplinary Science/Technology
Arizona Space Grant Consortium Affiliates Meeting Arizona State University Interdisciplinary Science/Technology Building Arizona State University – Tom Sharp Northern Arizona University – Nadine Barlow Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University – Gary Yale/Ron Madler University of Arizona – Chandra Holifield Collins AFFILIATES Arizona Near Space Research – Jack Crabtree South Mountain Community College – Tim Frank Glendale Community College – William Stein Mt. Lemmon Sky Center – Alan Strauss Flandrau Science Center and Planetarium – Bill Plant Biosphere 2 – Bill Plant Prescott Astronomy Club - Jerry & Corinne Shaw Hungry Planets – Mike Munday Tohono O’odham Community College – Casey Kahn-Thornbrugh Dine College – Ivan Rivera-Torres Rincon Research – Mike Parker Iridium Satellite – Joel Rademacher Orbital Sciences - Krzysztof Pennar - - Krzysztof looked through a telescope at a star party given by an astronomy club and found his passion for astronomy and science
You“WOW” You are the “WOW” Factor Thank You !! Our role is to share expertise and passion for astronomy to inspire future scientists
From the Hubble Telescope