Montana Department of Natural Resources & Conservation Trust Land Management Division Forest Management Program Presented by: Gary Frank Resource Program Manager Forest Management Bureau Overview: State Wetland Timber Harvest Regulations Overview: State Wetland Timber Harvest Regulations
State Wetland Timber Harvest Regulations in Montana Montana Streamside Management Zone (SMZ) Law Montana Forestry Best Management Practices Additional Measures Required on State Trust Lands Habitat Conservation Plan (HCP) DNRC Forest Management Rules Other Laws that might be applicable
MT SMZ Law Regulates commercial forest practices conducted immediately adjacent to streams and lakes Establishes stream classification system Requires establishment of an SMZ with a minimum width of 50 or 100’ Prohibits or restricts: Construction of roads Use of ground based equip Clearcutting broadcast burning placement of slash hazardous materials
CLASS 1 STREAM 10 trees >= 8”dbh/100 ft 10 trees >= 8”dbh/100 ftor 50% of the trees >or= 8”dbh 50% of the trees >or= 8”dbh Shrubs and smaller trees Shrubs and smaller trees TREE RETENTION REQUIREMENTS
SMZ Extended to include Adjacent Wetlands Applies to all Streams
For Adjacent Wetlands Same as the adjacent SMZ Same as the adjacent SMZ 50% of the trees = 8” dbh 50% of the trees = 8” dbh Shrubs and smaller trees Shrubs and smaller trees TREE RETENTION REQUIREMENTS
Restricted to frozen or snow covered conditions That result in no soil disturbance No Equipment within normal 50’ or 100’ feet SMZ Shrubs/sub-merchantable trees protected EQUIPMENT OPERATION IN ADJACENT WETLANDS
Water Quality… …it’s a responsibility we ALL share! Montana Forestry Best Management Practices (BMPs) Avoid operation of wheeled or tracked equipment within wetlands except when ground is frozen. Avoid equipment operations on unstable, wet or easily compacted soils. Locate roads to avoid wet areas – including wetlands.
Gary Frank (406)