The Art of Managing Timed Money Perkins Local Funds CACTA Mid-Winter Conference February,
The Early Bird Gets the Worm! The Perkins grant is complex. Attention required each month. STATE FUNCTIONS LOCAL FUNCTIONS Go Back and Forth 2
CONTINUOUS MONITORING IS CRITICAL 3 Sign Purchase Requisitions If amount =or > than $5,000 for one unit, is Local Plan approved with this item categorized as Equipment! Are all out-of-state travel details in?
NO CHARGES TO PERKINS ACCOUNT WITHOUT LOCAL PERKINS ADMINISTRATOR’S SIGNATURE 4 Is it in the Local Plan? If amount = or > than $5,000 for one unit, is the spending category “Equipment” and is the Local Plan approved?
NO CHARGES TO PERKINS WITHOUT PERKINS ADMINISTRATOR’ SIGNATURE 5 Is the Purchase Requisition date later than the Plan Submittal date or July 1 – whichever is later? Will the items arrive by June 30? Is there a waiver if late?
6 Does Purchasing have a copy of the Local Plan? Does the Grant Accountant have a copy of the Local Plan?
START NOW – EARLY FEBRUARY! Set Date for a one-day 2013 Planning Meeting. Attendance required if you want money! STATE FUNCTION: Post Intent To Participate LOCAL FUNCTION: Complete Intent to Participate Go Back and Forth 7
START NOW – AFTER CACTA! Review Funded Projects Action Steps for obligations. Send warning to non-obligated – Spend now or lose the funds! STATE FUNCTION: Review Plan Revision LOCAL FUNCTION: Submit Revised Local Plan per above. Go Back and Forth 8
ALL LOCAL PLAN SUBMITTALS State: Questions/Comments Local: Answers/Responses LOCAL PLAN IS APPROVED 9
START NOW – AFTER CACTA! Review Funded Projects Action Steps for obligations. Send warning to non-obligated – Spend now or lose the funds! STATE FUNCTION: Review Plan Revision LOCAL FUNCTION: Submit Revised Local Plan per above. Go Back and Forth 10
MARCH – EVERYONE WANTS TO KNOW YOUR 2013 BUDGET! Advise not available until June. Advise Perkins only supplemental. STATE FUNCTION: She has no idea! LOCAL FUNCTION: Call Lorrie and ask when will we know next year’s allocation amounts. Go Back and Forth 11
MARCH – PREP FOR PLANNING! What are new College initiatives? What action steps were not funded last year? What are the old and new Perkins Performance Metrics Indicating? Arrange the location, refreshments, and send reminders – ATTENDANCE REQUIRED 12
LOCAL FUNCTION: Plan and Conduct a Perkins Strategic Planning Meeting Based on CTE vision aligned to... Based on SWOT analysis Based on Congressional intent Develop more Action Steps than you have money. Prioritize Action Steps See Administrators’ Handbook for strategic meeting guides MARCH – PREP FOR PLANNING! 13
APRIL 1– PREPARE FOR MAY 1 DEADLINE! Review Funded Projects Action Steps for obligations. Send warning to non-obligated – Spend now or lose the funds! STATE FUNCTION: Review Plan Revision LOCAL FUNCTION: Submit Revised Local Plan per above. Go Back and Forth 14
Review account transaction details for expenses paid between January 1 and March 31. APRIL 4– PREPARE THIRD QUARTER VOUCHER (VOUCHER 3) STATE FUNCTION: Review Voucher 3 LOCAL FUNCTION: Submit Voucher 3, print & sign, mail with support documents. Go Back and Forth 15
APRIL 27– SUBMIT FINAL PLAN REVISIONS Except May or June Out-of-State Travel action steps unless know details now Send warning to non-obligated – Spend now or the Institution will lose the funds! STATE FUNCTION: Review Plan Revision LOCAL FUNCTION: Submit Revised Local Plan per above. Go Back and Forth 16 Are any P.O.’s on back order?
MAY – TIME IS UP! Call state to open plan for Out-of-State Travel action steps Call vendors with back orders – remind them of the waiver – or right to cancel STATE FUNCTION: Review Plan Revision LOCAL FUNCTION: Submit final out-of-state travel details. Go Back and Forth 17
JUNE – STOP PURCHASING! Do NOT allow any pre-obligation of the next year’s funds!!! Cancel all orders that cannot guarantee a June 30 receipt of goods date. 18 Funded personnel extra duty time or professional services contracts work must be completed by June 30.
JUNE – PREPARE NEXT YEAR’S LOCAL PLAN! Look at your prioritized action steps from March strategic planning meeting. Look at Perkins Performance Metrics Report. STATE FUNCTION: Review Local Plan LOCAL FUNCTION: Submit new Local Plan. Go Back and Forth 19
JUNE – PREPARE NEXT YEAR’S LOCAL PLAN! Print Local Plan Signature Sheet; Obtain required signatures, Fax signed sheet to CCCS. STATE FUNCTION: Review Local Plan LOCAL FUNCTION: Submit new Local Plan Signature Sheet. Go Back and Forth 20 Is Your Local Plan Sanctioned? REMEMBER – PERKINS FUNDS CANNOT BE APPLIED TO MIDDLE SCHOOL CTE PROGRAMS!
SANCTIONED LOCAL PLANS BEGINS WITH FY Failed to meet 90% of State Target of same performance metric three consecutive years Ten percent of total award, per each deficient metric, must be applied to improve any metric with 3 consecutive years of deficiency. State team will be visiting. 21
JUNE – TRAVEL GETS TRICKY! Registration for an event is obligated when paid. If paid prior to July 1 – must have an action step in current plan to cover registration. Travel is obligated when taken. If travel is after July 1, must have an action step in new plan and new plan must be submitted prior to departure date! 22
JUNE – TRAVEL GETS TRICKY! If purchasing airline tickets in June for July travel, must charge cost to general fund account. After the travel is taken in July, and if the Local Plan was submitted prior to departure, and if the out-of-state travel details were in the Local Plan, can journal entry the airline tickets cost to the new Local Plan Perkins Account. 23
JUNE – TRAVEL GETS TRICKY! Between June and September more than 80 Local Plans are submitted, reviewed, resubmitted, reviewed again, etc. If funding out-of-state travel in new Local Plan, that is expected to occur in either the summer or the fall, it is urgent that the details of that out- of-state travel are included when the plan is first submitted. 24
JULY- FIRST INSTALLMENT 25 An official document Posted to Local Plan Must be copied and saved Indicates 1 st Quarter Spending Limit
AUGUST – RESPOND AND PROCEED DON’T FORGET TO RESPOND TO REQUESTS FOR INFORMATION. Call, if need help with questions or comments made about your Local Plan STATE FUNCTION: Review Local Plan LOCAL FUNCTION: Submit new Local Plan. Go Back and Forth 26
AUGUST – RESPOND AND PROCEED Most Perkins purchases can be obligated as soon as the Local Plan is submitted or July 1, whichever is later. Begin to order items that are needed for CTE classrooms. Watch the exceptions to this early ordering: 27
AUGUST – EXCEPTIONS TO EARLY ORDERING Cannot obligate any “Equipment” purchases until Local Plan is approved. Cannot obligate out-of-state travel until details are included in the Local Plan Cannot over-obligate – must remain within First Installment limit. 28
SEPTEMBER – HE WHO WAITS IS LOST Last day to submit a Local Plan is September 30 However, if you wait that long to submit, you are essentially already 3 months behind! The early bird gets the worm, has less stress, can provide materials and items into classrooms sooner, and are more likely to meet the December 31 deadline! 29
SEPTEMBER 30 – PREPARE VOUCHER 1 Voucher 1 must be submitted by everyone. Voucher 1 cannot be accessed until three previous steps are completed! 30 The following slides represent the processes that must be completed to meet the December 31 st deadline for receipt of Voucher 1 September 30 is also the deadline for Local Plan Submittal but since you are watching this Powerpoint, we know you will have submitted your Perkins Local Plan much earlier!
THE NEW LOCAL PLAN STATE FUNCTION: Review Local Plan LOCAL FUNCTION: Submit new Local Plan. Go Back and Forth 31 Steps to be Completed in order to Meet December 31 Deadline!
THE LOCAL PLAN APPROVED STATE FUNCTION: Review Local Plan LOCAL FUNCTION: Respond to requests for more information. Go Back and Forth 32 Steps to be Completed in order to Meet December 31 Deadline!
THE AWARD PACKET POSTED STATE FUNCTION: If Plan Approved and If After October 1 (or so): Post New Local Plan Award Packet. LOCAL FUNCTION: Print appropriate Award Packet Documents. 33 Steps to be Completed in order to Meet December 31 Deadline!
THE AWARD PACKET POSTED LOCAL FUNCTIONS: Get Grant Recipient Agreement Letter Signed. If received a Non-Traditional Careers grant, get Amendment to Agreement signed (postsecondary.) If not a CCCS College, obtain a copy of most recently completed A-133 Single Audit Report* Get signature on Civil Rights Assurance form. Mail originals of all required Award Packet documents to state (CCCS.) * See Perkins CTE Technical Guide for Award Packets on Administrators’ Handbook webpage. 34 Steps to be Completed in order to Meet December 31 Deadline!
THE AWARD PACKET POSTED LOCAL FUNCTIONS FOR CONSORTIA: Get Grant Recipient Agreement Letter Signed. Obtain a copy of most recently completed A-133 Single Audit Report Get signature on Civil Rights Assurance form. Mail originals of all required Award Packet documents to state (CCCS.) Get copies of most recently completed A-133 Single Audit Report (within last 2 years) from each member district that had one OR Get signed copies of A-133 waiver form from member districts that are not required to have the A-133 Single Audit Report. Get signed copies of Civil Rights Assurance form from each member district. 35 Steps to be Completed in order to Meet December 31 Deadline!
THE AWARD PACKET RECEIVED AND UNDER REVIEW STATE FUNCTION: Trigger to Local Recipient indicating the Award Packet documents have been received. LOCAL FUNCTION: Mail required Award Packet Documents to CCCS. 36 Steps to be Completed in order to Meet December 31 Deadline!
THE AWARD PACKET RECEIVED AND UNDER REVIEW STATE FUNCTION: Check all documents received: accurate, correct and complete? If gaps, Perkins contact for missing items. LOCAL FUNCTION: Respond to s requesting needed items to complete the Award Packet. Go Back and Forth 37 Steps to be Completed in order to Meet December 31 Deadline!
THE AWARD PACKET APPROVED AND VOUCHER 1 POSTED STATE FUNCTION: Approves Award Packet; Voucher 1 automatically posts to CTE Online Account LOCAL FUNCTION: Prepare Voucher 1, submit, print, sign and mail to state (CCCS) with support documents so that received at CCCS by DECEMBER Steps to be Completed in order to Meet December 31 Deadline!
Do you see? Do you see now, why it is so important for you to start the Perkins Local Plan submittal process early? Do you see now why it is so important for you to respond to s that ask for more information asap? 39
JANUARY – FINISH VOUCHER 1 STATE FUNCTION: Reviews Voucher 1; contacts local staff if questions or if need more information. LOCAL FUNCTION: Respond to s about Voucher 1. Go Back and Forth 40 NOTE: This can be completed earlier if all other previous steps are completed earlier!!
JANUARY – PREPARE VOUCHER 2 STATE FUNCTION: Voucher 1 approved, Voucher 2 automatically posted. LOCAL FUNCTION: Prepare Voucher 2 for expenses paid in 2 nd quarter, Oct. 1 through Dec. 31. Go Back and Forth 41
JANUARY – PREPARE INITIAL LOCAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN* STATE FUNCTION: Post Initial Local Improvement Plans into Local Plans of recipients who did not meet 90% of state target in most recent data. LOCAL FUNCTION: Complete and submit Initial Local Improvement Plan. *Only required for recipients that did not meet Perkins Performance targets with most recent data. Go Back and Forth 42
JANUARY OR FEBRUARY – SUBMIT INTENT TO PARTICIPATE FORM STATE FUNCTION: Intent to Participate form posted for the following fiscal year. LOCAL FUNCTION: Assure Plan of Study on file is still current and submit Intent to Participate by deadline. 43
START NOW – EARLY FEBRUARY! Set Date for a one-day 2014 Planning Meeting. Attendance required if you want money! 44 THE CIRCLE IS COMPLETE – THE PROCESS BEGINS AGAIN
AND THERE’S MORE Currently approved CTE Programs Current and appropriately credentialed teachers or faculty Allowable costs Unallowable costs Disposal of Perkins funded items 45
AND THERE’S MORE Correct data reporting Well-written action steps that address project objectives Meeting the intent and requirements of Congress Assuring use of funds for CTE Supplementing, not supplanting 46
AND THERE’S MORE 47 The Perkins grant is complex. Attention required each month. Staying on schedule with Timed Money is key!
FOR QUESTIONS OR HELP: Lorrie Toni, Perkins Director CCCS 9101 E. Lowry Blvd. Denver, CO