JUNE FLOODS AND STORMS Preliminary Damage Assessment Brief
AGENDA Current Status Report Determining Severity and Magnitude PDA Process Assistance Possibilities FEMA Public Assistance FEMA Individual Assistance SBA State Public Assistance PDA Schedule What disaster assistance program is eligible in Minnesota? SBA FEMA Public Assistance Marriott Rewards Program State Public Assistance
IS THERE A NEED FOR FEDERAL ASSISTANCE? In order for federal assistance to be considered, Minnesota must show: The situation is of such severity and magnitude that effective response is beyond the capabilities of the state and local governments; and Federal assistance is necessary to supplement the efforts and available resources of the state. State per capita damage indicator: $7,372,455.75 County per capita damage indicator: Population x $3.50
HOW IS THIS DETERMINED? The state measures severity and magnitude by evaluating: Damages caused by the disaster, AND Impacts associated with those damages. Examples of disaster related impact include; Level of insurance coverage, Recent multiple disasters, Concentration of damages, Trauma, Utility disruption, Disruption to transportation, school bus routes, mail routes, significant detours, Availability of supplemental housing, etc.
WHO SHOULD I TALK TO? State Governments Agencies State parks and recreational facilities Tribal governments 11 Tribes in MN Local Governments and Special Districts County, city, town, twp School Districts Certain Private Non-Profits Colleges, universities, parochial, and other private schools Electric Co-ops Hospitals, rehabilitation facilities, long-term care facilities, custodial care facilities Museums, zoos, community centers, etc
WHY? Damages must be reported in the counties which they occurred.
DON’T FORGET HOUSING? FEMA Damage Criteria: Affected Minor Major Destroyed
…AND BUSINESSES TOO? http://tinyurl.com/MNflood or www.hsem.dps.mn.gov
Reported damages must exceed $3000 per applicant! FYI Reported damages must exceed $3000 per applicant!
VERIFICATION AND PDA REQUEST HSEM is required, in some manner, to verify damages being report. Ensure that damages are reported appropriately by FEMA category. In some cases, a site visit may be required, or additional verification obtained. FEMA SBA HSEM
PREPARING FOR THE PDA What you need to provide: Maps showing the location of your damages, Updated calculation sheet reporting repair estimates by category (A-G), Subject matter experts who can explain damages, Subject matter experts who can escort PDA teams to significant damaged areas, Documentation on completed work including site photos, maps, and invoices of damages and repairs.
PREPARING FOR THE PDA Suggestion: Create a file for each damaged site which will include, photos, invoices, receipts, timesheets, etc.
PRESIDENTIAL DETERMINATION The President will determine: If Minnesota is declared a major disaster, and What disaster assistance programs will be available, and What counties and tribal communities will be eligible.
PRESIDENTIAL OPTIONS Public Assistance Program Hazard Mitigation Grant Program Only available in counties with an approved and adopted hazard mitigation plan. Individual Assistance, if appropriate
ADDITIONAL ASSISTANCE Small Business Administration (SBA) Home and personal property loans, Business Physical Disaster Loans, Economic Injury Disaster Loans, Criteria At least 25 homes or businesses, in the county, which have each sustained uninsured losses of 40% or more of the estimated fair replacement value or pre-disaster fair market value, which ever is lower; or At least 3 businesses which have sustained uninsured losses of 40% or more and as a result, 25% or more of the work force in the community would be unemployed for at least 90 days.
ADDITIONAL ASSISTANCE Disaster appropriations Agriculture Education Health Public Facilities Authority State Historical Preservation Office Quick Start Housing Loan Program (MHFA) Reinvest in Minnesota (BWSR) Erosion and Sediment Control (BWSR) Minnesota Investment Fund (DEED) Flood Hazard Mitigation Grants (DNR) Debris Removal (DNR)(HSEM) Highways and Bridges (Mn/DOT) Long Term Recovery Assistance (HSEM)
STATE PUBLIC ASSISTANCE PROGRAM CHAPTER 12B STATE PUBLIC ASSISTANCE PROGRAM Eligible Applicants Local governments Reached 50% of their federal damage indicator and not eligible for federal assistance under a federal major disaster declaration.
PDA SCHEDULE June 26-27 HSEM review and verify Damage and Impact Assessment Reports received. Emergency Management Webinars June 30 FEMA/HSEM Operational Briefing July 1-3 PDAs conducted in counties submitting completed Damage and Impact Assessment Reports. July 4-6 FEMA/HSEM Evaluation of additional Damage and Impact Assessment Reports. July 7 July 8-11 PDAs conducted in the additional counties who have submitted Damage and Impact Assessment Reports.