Why You Really Don’t Want to Go to Court We believe that if we just got our day in court, we would be able to get a fair result ……… but judges aren’t Solomon these days, if they ever really were. Most aren’t trained in psychology. They are trained in Law, where there are winners and losers and the demands of schedules and the Rules of Evidence make it hard for you to really present the whole story…… Why You Really Don’t Want to Go to Court
Why You Really Don’t Want to Go to Court Let’s suppose you could take your marital story and put it on 1 sheet of paper like this Yes! You would have to write really small
THIS….. Is the story of your life and marriage that you bring into the lawyer’s office. It’s the story of your years together, your shared dreams, your feelings of betrayal…and fear of the future…and worry for your kids…and the incredible ambiguity you feel. You worry about money and whether you’ll be alone and more. Above all you come with a rich and detailed and very complex history.
THIS….. …is the part of your story that the lawyer can process in the few hours you have together.
THIS…. …is the part of your story that your lawyer thinks is relevant to your legal divorce.
THIS… … is the part of your story that will go in the paperwork that is submitted to the court
THIS…. …is the part of your story from the paperwork that registers with the judge
THIS… … is the part of your story that the judge’s decision was based on
THIS…. … is the part of your story that the judge will say they based their decision on when they explain what they did from the bench
THIS …. … is how much of your story you believe the judge understood after the decision was made
So who do you want to make the decisions that will impact you and your kids for years to come? The Judge, who doesn’t know you? Or You and Your Spouse? Return to Website