If I Can’t See It, Can It Hurt Me? Fifth Grade Life Science Unit
Content Standard S5L4. Students will relate how microorganisms benefit or harm larger organisms. a. Identify beneficial microorganisms and explain why they are beneficial. b. Identify harmful microorganisms and explain why they are harmful.
Big Idea Microorganisms
Related Content S5L3. Students will diagram and label parts of various cells (plant, animal, single-celled, multi-celled). a. Use magnifiers such as microscopes or hand lenses to observe cells and their structure. c. Explain how cells in multi-celled organisms are similar and different in structure and function to single-celled organisms.
How Students Learn S5CS3. Students will tools and instruments for observing, measuring, and manipulating objects in scientific activities. c. Use computers, cameras, and recording devices for capturing information. S5CS5. Students will communicate scientific ideas and activities clearly. d. Locate scientific information in reference books, articles, and databases, and identify the sources used. S5CS7. Students will be familiar with the character of scientific knowledge and how it is achieved. b. Some scientific knowledge is very old and yet is still applicable today. S5CS8. Students will understand important features of the process of scientific inquiry. c. Scientists use technology to increase their power to observe things and to measure and compare things accurately. d. Science involves many different kinds of work and engages mean and women of all ages and backgrounds.
Tread Lightly! Keep Focused! “We started off on a question that the students were interested in. It sounded simple enough and then all of a sudden we were into territory that was way over their heads!”
This is not a unit for classifying microorganisms. This unit focuses on evidence of the harmful and beneficial organisms in the ecosystem. It builds on third and fourth grade understandings of habitat and food chains.
Enduring Understandings There are organisms that are too small to be seen without magnification. Organisms large enough to be seen are macroscopic. Some microorganisms are harmful. Some microorganisms are beneficial. Microorganisms are living things. Microorganisms are not plants or animals. Microorganisms have important roles in an ecosystem.
Essential Questions If you can’t see them, can they harm you? How can microorganisms be controlled? How are microorganisms beneficial? How are microorganisms harmful? What roles do microorganisms have in the ecosystem? Where did all of those little things come from? Why aren’t microorganisms in tap water?
What Students Should Know Use scientific vocabulary correctly. Recognize that microorganisms include such organisms as bacteria, algae, fungi (yeast and mold), and protozoa. Recognize that microorganisms play different roles in the ecosystem. Some are harmful and some are beneficial.
What Students Should Be Able to Do View microorganisms using magnifiers or microscopes. See next slide on pond water and hay infusion. Identify the role a microorganism plays in an ecosystem. Make charts of the benefits and harmful effects of microorganisms.
Pond Water Pond water “scum” is a good source of algae. Ponds are a fantastic source of microbes which are easy to see with the proper magnification. Scoop up some pond water in a jar and examine the water using a magnifying glass and/or a microscope. How many different types of microbes can you see? Compare the types of microbes you find at the top of the pond with those you find near the bottom of the pond. Why are the microbes near the surface different from those at deeper levels?
Hay Infusion Purchase spring water or use distilled water. Wash the inside of a jar with hot water, not soap and put the spring water in the jar. Add a handful of hay or dried grass and cover with paper toweling. Set aside for two weeks. After a few days, it may develop an unpleasant odor.
What happens next? Stage 2-- Evidence Stage 3– Unit Design Day 2 – Focus on Balanced Assessment How do I know what students understand? How good is good enough? Stage 3– Unit Design Days 3 and 4– Focus on Instructional Decisions and Unit Design How do I provide learning opportunities? When do I revisit, reteach, and reinforce understanding?
Previews of Coming Attractions Stage 2– Evidence (4 types) Informal Assessment Observe students using magnifiers and/or microscopes to see that they are using them correctly.
Selected Response Which of the following organisms are used to convert milk to yogurt? Bacteria Viruses Algae Protozoa
Constructed Response Fill in a chart of how microorganisms benefit or harm larger organisms. Microorganism Benefit or Harm What it does Baking Yeast Benefit Helps bread rise Bacteria in milk Makes milk curdle to give buttermilk, cheese, and yogurt Bacteria in spoiled food Harm Makes people sick
Performance Assessment– Wanted Poster Wanted posters are a very efficient means of catching criminals because they warn people. They (hopefully) bring criminals to justice, and they show the community who the criminals are. The same can be true of announcing microorganisms that are wanted because they are beneficial to the community. They announce who they are and alert people of the benefits. Draw a wanted poster of a microorganism. The wanted poster must warn people about the dangerous fugitives who are at large. The wanted poster could alert people to beneficial microorganisms. The poster gives a picture of the wanted microorganism. When making the poster one must keep in mind the crime or beneficial event itself; you have to give a detailed description of the events that occurred to make it a crime or a benefit. Then give some remarks on how to handle the microorganism, if apprehended. The most important element is the reward. Always state how much the reward is and who is receiving the reward.
Performance Assessment--Brochure Pretend you are a scientist working in the food industry. You are in charge of human resources for your department (You hire people.). Explain what skills the people you hire must have to study the effects of microorganisms on your product. Make a brochure including skills, tools used, terminology, and education needed.
Sample Rubric 1 2 3 4 Engagement of Learner (Participation) Refused/did not join in task Watched others work on task Worked on task part of the time Stayed on task until completion Cooperation Would not share with or listen to others (caused a disturbance) Did not participate Shared/listened part of the time Listened and shared with others Science Knowledge Did not show any concept of understanding Tried but did not show correct understanding Showed partial understanding of concept Demonstrated an understanding of concept Science Language Did not use any science vocabulary Used vocabulary incorrectly Used some of the vocabulary correctly Used all vocabulary correctly Productivity Did not accomplish goal Barely accomplished task Just did what he had to do Was highly productive Effective Use of Time Time without purpose Got off track frequently Did well once ideas were clear No wasted effort—stayed on target
Instructional Decisions If I want students to know if microorganisms are harmful or beneficial, what learning opportunities will I build into my unit plan? Resources and materials Time for students to learn (Calendar) Activities connected to the goal Different types of evidence showing student understanding
Resources American Dairy Association—I Love Cheese: http://www.ilovecheese.com/cheese_health.asp American Museum of Natural History--Infection Detection Protection: http://www.amnh.org/nationalcenter/infection/infectionindex.html Microbe World: http://www.microbeworld.org/home.htm Centers for Disease Control http://www.cdc.gov Food and Drug Administration http://www.fda.gov Stalking the Mysterious Microbe http://www.microbe.org Yogurt: http://www.foodsci.uoguelph.ca/dairyedu/yogurt.html Microbe Zoo: http://commtechlab.msu.edu/sites/dlc-me/zoo/