Foreign Market Entry Programme for Small an Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs) August 2014
Renewables Export Initiative Energy efficiency Export Initiative Health Industries Export Initiative Market Entry Programme Security Industries Export Initiative Foreign Trade Fair Programme Manager Training Programme Market entry – priorities and responsibilities Agro Export Promotion
Foreign Market Entry Programme of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy: Promoting exports and finding new markets for German SMEs Selection of appropriate markets and industries Professional organization with experienced partners Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy provides support and coordination Intensive assistance including preparation and wrap-up Initial business contact arrangements are high quality and sustainable, with continuous monitoring Guidelines
First-hand market information Explore new markets Build network and business contacts Meet business partners abroad Realize market entry Increase foreign trade volume Save time and costs Benefits of participation
Partner* *Auswahl
Manager training programme Trade fair participation programme Market information Market exploration Business contact programme Kontinuierliche Fortentwicklung Realization abroad; focus on market entry, market development Realization abroad, targeting challenging, developing markets and market segments Seminars in Germany, expert information on developing markets and new segments Procurement agents’ missions Trips to Germany for specific industries and themes Fact-finding missions for multipliers Trips to Germany for specific industries and themes Five modules: consistent, transparent, interdependent, flexible, combinable, viable Continuous development
Äthiopien Bahrain, Katar, Kuwait, Oman, Saudi-Arabien, Vereinigte Arabische Emirate Dänemark/GrönlandIndienKanadaKroatienMosambik/SambiaPolen/Tschechische RepublikSchweizSüdamerikaUngarn AlgerienBangladeschEstland/Lettland/LitauenIndonesienKasachstanLibyenNiederlandePortugalSerbienThailandUSA AngolaBelarusFinnlandIrlandKeniaMarokkoNigeria Region Südostasien, Malaysia und Philippinen SingapurTschechische Republik Vereinigte Arabische Emirate ArgentinienBelgien/LuxemburgFrankreichIsraelKenia/TansaniaMexikoNorwegenRumänienSkandinavienTürkeiVereinigtes Königreich Armenien, GeorgienBrasilienGCC-StaatenItalienKolumbienMoldauÖsterreichRusslandSri LankaTurkmenistanVietnam AustralienBolivien/PeruGhanaJapanKorea (Rep.)MongoleiPolenSchwedenSüdafrikaUkraineVR China Projected countries for 2014
*teilweise Mehrfachnennungen Projected industries for 2014
Thank you very much for your attention.