If you had this equation, how would you move the 7
to the other side of the equation?
You would subtract it wouldn’t you?
This equation is probably different from other equations you have solved.
What makes it different? It is different because it has an x on each side.
How would you move the x from the right side to the left?
You would move the x exactly the same way you would move the 7.
You would subtract it wouldn’t you?
Now when you simplify...
... the equation becomes the type of equation
... the equation becomes the type of equation
that you already know how to solve.
that you already know how to solve.
that you already know how to solve.
If you want to solve equations correctly (and you do)(Don’t you?) you will get in the habit of checking solutions.
Good solution! Checking the solution:
Try this one:
Good solution! Try this one: Check your work !
You say you want one more?Okay—here’s one more. Did you check you answer?If you did, you know the solution is