Disagreed; Paul Revere’s ride was not a word of mouth epidemic, it was a simple announcement passed to all the people. Paul Revere rode his horse into the town to announce to everyone what was going on while a word of mouth epidemic is passed from one person to another.
Do you agree or disagree with Malcolm Gladwell? Why or why not? What evidence does Gladwell use to push you to believe the way you do?
If you don’t know enough people, to tell enough people, an epidemic won’t start. A connector is a person who knows enough people to have a number of sources. Most connectors know Mavens, which pass down the information they hear, or learn about to their connectors who inform everyone of the news.
- If connectors weren’t around, the information wouldn’t reach to all the people as fast as it may seem. The connectors have more friends and acquaintances in which they spread the information to. While Mavens, know a small amount, the connectors play a major roll in spreading good, bad, and knowledgeable facts and ideas faster and farther.
- If Mavens have so much knowledge, why don’t they spread the information themselves? Why do they tell the connectors the information, and expect them to pass down the information?
Agree; If Mavens weren’t the most important how would information be passed on. If Mavens never received the information meant for everyone to know, how would the people have the same knowledge. Mavens are most important because they’re the main source of a majority of information everyone receives.
- If Mavens never had existed, half the information known world wide, or even country wide, wouldn’t be known as well or maybe even at all. Mavens were a basis for where all information had come from and how it becomes so well known. They’re a source for many to go to for questions about the most common and well known information, such as shopping with sales, and the sales being advertised for stores around any area.
Thanks for listening! You’re all wonderful listeners. If there are any questions, comments concerns, please as at this time! Enjoy. Essay recap; Agree or disagree with Gladwell? Why or why not? Discussion recap; If Mavens have the knowledge why don’t they use it? - What would happen without Mavens? Hope you enjoyed :D