Top Tier Program Complex Claims ACHIEv October 23, 2014
Discussion Topic What is the Top Tier Provider’s role with complex claims? Roles mentioned during past ACHIEv discussions include: –Prevent –Manage –Accept –Consult
Complex Claim as Part of Top Tier Criteria Our approach: 1.Identify possible roles in each category (prevent, manage, accept, consult), 2.Discuss and document pros and cons for each role, 3.Review roles against the Top Tier model and assumptions, and 4.Gather your recommendation about which criteria/criterion to use.
Top Tier Model and Assumptions COHE Initial Visit Provider Provider Network Top Tier COHE Initial Visit Provider Provider Network Top Tier Increase the availability of best practices Achieve positive outcomes Provide an alternative to COHEs Simple for providers to understand and L&I to administer Align with other incentive programs (such as COHE)
Prevent Complex Claims Require that no more than X% of claims initiated by a Top Tier Provider become complex. Target: ≤ 5% of initiated claims* become complex ProsCons Achieves positive outcomes: a significant improvement on the current average (7%) state wide. May impact the availability of best practices negatively: providers wouldn’t start claims they believe could become complex, or would transfer them before they became complex. * L&I currently has the ability to measure using state fund claims only.
Manage Complex Claims Require Top Tier Providers to follow best practices while managing complex claims. Review complex claims related to Top Tier core competencies and best practices. ProsCons Simple for providers to understand and L&I to administer: Helps Top Tier program select the best claims for review. Doesn’t directly increase the availability of best practices.
Accept Complex Claims (Example 1) Require that a Top Tier Provider has accepted at least X complex claims over a specific timeframe. Target: X claims a year accepted over the last N years ProsCons Achieves positive outcomes: incentive for providers to accept complex claims. Looks only retrospectively at complex claim acceptance Increases the availability of best practices.
Accept Complex Claims (Example 2) Require Top Tier Provider to accept complex claims if requested by L&I. Target: 100% of Top Tier Providers are available to accept L&I referrals ProsCons Achieves positive outcomes: provides an avenue for finding injured workers good care. May not increase the availability of best practices: might scare away applicants if there is no limit on number of referrals from L&I or they perceive that L&I is attempting to impact their panel.
Consult on Complex Claims Require Top Tier Providers to offer consultations on complex claims. The consultation must result in a detailed treatment plan. Target: X consultations per year as a Top Tier Provider ProsCons Achieves some positive outcomes: allows an avenue of care/transition for the injured worker. Doesn’t pair a good provider with a challenging patient. Aligns with other incentive programs: supports COHE best practice #4 (barriers to return- to-work assessment.)
Example 5: Your Suggestions? Other complex claim criteria? ProsCons
More Opportunities to Collaborate on Top Tier Top Tier work groups beginning work. Would you like to participate?: –Assessing existing best practices for Top Tier –Assessing “demonstrated best practices” –Creating Top Tier provider reporting Contact (360) to sign