Maddie Fisher BUS111 StumbleUpon
What is StumbleUpon? Similar to a search engine Recommends content it thinks the user may like based on his/her interests – “Collaborative filtering” Combines human opinions & machine’s learned knowledge of your preferences Content is rate-able
- Home page offers color-coded recommendations - User can add to list, share, comment, thumbs up/thumbs down
Users are given a profile, which displays their “likes” & other activity
Mobile App
Positive Feedback From the StumbleUpon website “Our members have given us some pretty great compliments in the past, including describing us as ‘the entire Internet, all in one place,’ ’an epic journey’ and ‘a map to an adventure you wouldn’t otherwise have found out about.’”
What is unique about StumbleUpon? Long-term traffic for popular submissions Random stumble feature User popularity doesn’t affect content popularity You can comment alongside your vote for a webpage (both are visible at once)
StumbleUpon & Social Media Marketing Drives traffic towards a webpage – Traffic doesn’t taper off – Content could potentially cycle forever Untraditional marketing – “Soft-sell” Content = key – StumbleUpon community is more wary of advertisers – Engaging content = engaged users Very easy for users to share webpages
Image Sources on-likes-page.png on-likes-page.png h/15/78/1578f9b078ceeaba2cf10acf3cd15662.jpg?itok=DoYh4n1n h/15/78/1578f9b078ceeaba2cf10acf3cd15662.jpg?itok=DoYh4n1n D9qq5rTMWc3yDuHSAqXWjrS7EZSLjX5p D9qq5rTMWc3yDuHSAqXWjrS7EZSLjX5p content/uploads/2011/10/StumbleUpon-Just-One-More-Click.jpg content/uploads/2011/10/StumbleUpon-Just-One-More-Click.jpg content/uploads/2013/11/ms-nick-robinson-stumbleupon- profile.png content/uploads/2013/11/ms-nick-robinson-stumbleupon- profile.png HQwqTH2vlMRzCRFZuDOmFx1ETctgHH_ayxKxJ4Q HQwqTH2vlMRzCRFZuDOmFx1ETctgHH_ayxKxJ4Q