© 2005, Dynamic Measurement Group1 IDEL™ Training: Administration and Scoring of “Fluidez en el Nombramiento de las Letras” (FNL) D ynamic M easurement G roup Supporting School Success One Step at a Time
© 2005, Dynamic Measurement Group2 Fluidez en el Nombramiento de las Letras (FNL) Beg Mid End Beg Mid End Beg Mid End Beg Mid End Beg Mid End Beg Mid End Beg Mid End Beg Mid End Preschool Kindergarten First Grade Second Grade Third Grade Fourth Grade Fifth Grade Sixth Grade FUP FNL FSF FLO FRO FPS
© 2005, Dynamic Measurement Group3 Fluidez en el Nombramiento de las Letras (FNL) Big Idea: Benchmark Goal: Assessment Times: NONE No Benchmark Goal; Use local norms Kindergarten: Fall, Winter, Spring First Grade: Fall
© 2005, Dynamic Measurement Group4 Letter Naming is Added Measure of Risk No benchmark goal for Fluidez en el Nombramiento de las Letras. Serves as an indicator of risk in conjunction with scores on other IDEL measures. Use local percentiles to determine risk.
© 2005, Dynamic Measurement Group5 Materials Benchmark booklet Student materials, i.e., page of letters Clipboard Stopwatch Pen or pencil
© 2005, Dynamic Measurement Group6 Directions for Administration 1.Place the page of letters (student materials) in front of the student. 2. Place the test booklet on clipboard and position so that the student cannot see what you record.
© 2005, Dynamic Measurement Group7 3. Diga estas instrucciones espec í ficas al alumno: Aqu í hay algunas letras. Dime el nombre de tantas letras como puedas. Cuando yo diga ‘ empieza ’, comienza aqu í (se ñ ale la primera letra a la cabeza de la p á gina a mano izquierda) y contin ú a a trav é s de la p á gina (demu é strelo con el dedo). Se ñ ala cada letra y dime el nombre de la letra. Si llegas a una letra que no sabes c ó mo se llama, yo te la digo. Pon el dedo en la primera letra. ¿ Est á s listo/a? (pausa) Empieza.
© 2005, Dynamic Measurement Group8 4.Start your stopwatch. 5.Follow along on the score sheet in the test booklet. Put a slash (/) through letters named incorrectly (see scoring procedures). 6.At the end of 1 minute place a bracket (]) after the last letter named, say “para” and stop your stopwatch.
© 2005, Dynamic Measurement Group9 Timing Rule for FNL Continuous for 1 minute Start the stopwatch after you say, “empieza” At the end of 1 minute place a bracket (]) after the last letter name, say “para” and stop your stopwatch.
© 2005, Dynamic Measurement Group10 If the student hesitates for 3 seconds on a letter, score the letter incorrect. Say the correct letter and, if necessary, point to the next letter, and say, “¿Qué letra?” This prompt can be repeated. Wait Rule for FNL 3 Seconds LETTERS STUDENT SAYSPROMPT SCORING PROCEDURE T L s U I g W r “t” (3 sec) “I” “g” (3 sec) “Diga ‘L’ (point to s) ¿Qué letra?” “Diga ‘W’ (point to r) ¿Qué letra?” t L s U I g W r
© 2005, Dynamic Measurement Group11 Discontinue Rule First 10 Letters If the student does not get any correct letter names within the first 10 letters (1 row), discontinue the task and record a score of zero (0).
© 2005, Dynamic Measurement Group12 Prompting Rule If the student provides the letter sound rather than the letter name, say, “Recuerda decirme el nombre de la letra, no el sonido.” If the student provides the letter name in English rather than in Spanish, say, “Recuerda decirme el nombre de la letra en español, no en inglés.” Each of these prompts can be provided only once.
© 2005, Dynamic Measurement Group13 Directions for Scoring Slash (/) any letter that the child omits or names incorrectly.
© 2005, Dynamic Measurement Group14 LETTERS STUDENT SAYS SCORING PROCEDURE CORRECT LETTERS T D s U “t…b…s…u” “t…d…g…o” T D s U t D s U 3/4 2/4 Scoring Examples: Slash Incorrect Letters Substitutions A letter is incorrect if the student substitutes a different letter for the stimulus letter (e.g., “B” for “D”).
© 2005, Dynamic Measurement Group15 3 /4 2 /4 CORRECT LETTERS t D s U “t…s…u” “t…u” T D s U SCORING PROCEDURE STUDENT SAYS LETTERS Scoring Examples: Slash Incorrect Letters Omissions A letter is incorrect if the student omits the letter.
© 2005, Dynamic Measurement Group16 Note Self Correct If a student makes an error and corrects him or herself within 3 seconds, write “ac” (auto- corrige) above the letter and do not count it as an error.
© 2005, Dynamic Measurement Group17 Note Similar Shaped Font For some fonts, including Times, the upper case letter “I,” and the lower case letter L” are difficult or impossible to distinguish. A response of either “i” or “ele” is scored as correct. LETTERS STUDENT SAYS SCORING PROCEDURE CORRECT LETTERS I D s l“i..D..s..l”I D s l 4 /4
© 2005, Dynamic Measurement Group18 Note Skips Row If a student skips an entire row, draw a line through the row and do not count the row in scoring.
© 2005, Dynamic Measurement Group19 LETTERS STUDENT SAYS SCORING PROCEDURE CORRECT LETTERS r D s U“ele…de…ese…u”r D s U4/4 Note Articulation and Dialect The student is not penalized for imperfect pronunciation due to dialect, articulation, or second language interference. Example: The student consistently says /l/ for /r/ and pronounces “ele” for “erre” when naming the letter “R”.
© 2005, Dynamic Measurement Group20 Final Scoring Add number of correct letters named up to bracket. Total number of correct letters named and write it in space provided. Transfer number of correct letters named to front of booklet (benchmark assessment). 26
© 2005, Dynamic Measurement Group21 Accommodations for FNL Specific to FNL –Enlarge print –Colored overlays/close circuit TV –Braille –Use marker or ruler to keep place
© 2005, Dynamic Measurement Group22 Practice Probe
© 2005, Dynamic Measurement Group23 FNL Practice 35 31