Valuables of young people in Europe yesterday and today ( 20 teachers participated in the survey ) Prepared by Julius Marcinkus and Ugne Kybartaite
1.What is the most memorable day of your life ?
Some answers : To become a teacher/doctor/truck driver To have a nice family To learn English well Some teachers said that they truly wanted to travel. 2.What were your dreams when you were a teenager?
Some teachers didn’t expect to speak in public, but now this is done every day. One teacher didn’t think she’d be driving a car, but now she is a good driver. Another teacher thought it was impossible to learn information technology,but now she has really good IT skills. 3.What seemed impossible at first, but turned out to be possible later ?
Teachers mostly appreciated sincerity, loyalty, peacefulness, truthfulness in their teens. Some teachers said that they liked people who acted natural and simple. Others liked people who kept secrets and had a desire to help for everybody. 4.What was the most appreciated behavior in your teenage years ?
5.When did you feel proud of yourself?
Some teachers have changed their mind about priorities: Some teachers earlier focused their attention on themselves, but now they are more concerned about their families. Some teachers haven’t changed their mind by time; they have learnt to be self-confident, ambitious and hard- working. Some teachers think that life tought to be patient 6.Have you changed your mind about ‘what to take care and try hard for’ by time ?
7.Have you done any community wok or worked for a charity or participated in a social project as a teenager?
President Valdas Adamkus Professor Vytautas Lansbergis A TV prpgramme producer Edita Mildažytė A singer Andrius Mamantovas, an actress Angelina Jolie A billionaire Bill Gates A sportswoman Rūta Meilutyte Mother Teresa Arvydas Sabonis Antanas Guoga 8.Which idols or celebrities would you call ‘understanding, tolerant,helpful or brave’?
9.What have you been doing to keep and stay healthy?
‘I can’t change the direction of the wind but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination’, (which means that you should have realistic goals). ‘If you try hard, you will reach your destination’ ‘Don’t do anything to others that you wouldn’t like to be done to yourself’ ‘See life in a positive way’ ’Learn not to lie to yourself’ ‘If you can smile, smile with your liver’ 10.What is your favourite quote, poem or song ?
People should be more friendly, we have to love each other, be more respectable. They should protect nature, we should stop using so much chemistry, not to destroy natural habitats of animals. We should work or cycle more instead of using cars, recyle the rubbish, do not litter around. Also, we should be more helpful and friendlly with both people and animals. Moreover, hunting for pleasure should be banned. 11.What can make the world a better place for humans and animals? What should we do?